+1 (non binding) On Apr 22, 2013, at 3:39 PM, Rebecca Wood <silky...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone, > > I am calling a VOTE for acceptance of jclouds into the Apache Incubator. > > The vote will close on Monday, April 29, 2013. > > [ ] +1 Accept jclouds into the Apache Incubator. > [ ] +0 Don't care. > [ ] -1 Don't accept jclouds into the Incubator because... > > The full proposal is pasted below, and the corresponding wiki is > http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/jcloudsProposal. > > Only VOTEs from Incubator PMC members are binding, but all are welcome to > express their thoughts. > > Thanks, > > Becca Wood > > ---------- > > = jclouds Proposal for Apache Incubator = > > == Abstract == > > [[http://www.jclouds.org/|jclouds]] is an open source cloud agnostic library > that enables developers to access a variety of supported cloud providers > using one API. > > == Proposal == > > [[http://www.jclouds.org/|jclouds]] provides two portable API abstractions > for cloud computing and cloud storage in the form of Java or Clojure > libraries. By abstracting away vendor-specific details, jclouds supplies a > solution for users to avoid lock-in to a specific cloud vendor. It also > provisions hooks to make it easy to take advantage of specific features from > those vendors. > > == Background == > > jclouds began in March of 2009 while Adrian Cole was working on the Amazon S3 > plugin for Infinispan. He discovered that existing S3 libraries would not > pass the concurrent test suite needed for write behind persistence. When it > became clear that a new library was needed, jclouds formed as an independent > project founded by Cole under the mentorship of Manik Surtani. > > The fledgling jclouds team soon encountered two portability issues: runtime > portability with Google App Engine and compatibility with the similar cloud > files service from Rackspace. > > The legacy of Google App Engine is still present within jclouds and is > expressed by the 'driver' design which doesn't require threads. Supporting > Rackspace started a legacy of cloud portability which would soon extend to > provisioning. As jclouds supports newer and cutting edge cloud technologies, > it is in a constant state of evolution. > > jclouds was founded in Shoreditch, London. The ensuing 4 months backpacking > between European Java User Groups accounts for the initial population of > European developers and users within the community. The initial contributors > to jclouds included Adrian Cole, James Murty, Andrew Newdigate, and Andrew > Phillips. Manik Surtani served as a mentor, and there were a number of other > advisers as well. > > == Rationale == > > There are many providers that offer IaaS clouds, but few APIs that can bridge > the gap between cloud providers. jclouds supplies an abstraction layer for > both compute and storage resources that makes it easy to work with many > different cloud APIs using a simple and singular API. jclouds provides this > abstraction layer for the Java and Clojure communities. It is a unique niche > within the cloud community. > > jclouds provides the write once, run anywhere concept when utilizing > infrastructure cloud resources. > > == Initial Goals == > > * Build a more centralized community pulling together jclouds developers, > jclouds integrators, and service providers who use jclouds. > * Although jclouds has a fairly collaborative community, the committers wish > to further bridge the gap between developers and community by encouraging > more community involvement in development processes. > * Break down from a monolithic release process into one that is more > decentrilized. > * Bring the jclouds core code base consisting of ComputeService and Blobstore > into Apache. > * jclouds will not move all existing provider code into Apache. The goal is > to move the provider code for those clouds that have complete portability and > are tried, tested, and true. This includes code for OpenStack, Amazon EC2, > and Google Cloud. > > == Current Status == > > === Meritocracy === > > jclouds has an active community of contributors who are encouraged to become > full-fledged jclouds committers. A jclouds committer understands the > importance of seeking community feedback, actively listening to suggestions, > and fostering relationships with community members who make contributions. > The entirety of jclouds is built upon the relationships that have been built > with community members. This camaraderie will continue to be promoted as > jclouds is introduced into the Incubator and beyond. > > jclouds encourages involvement from its community members, and the issues are > open and available to any developers who wish to contribute to the project. > The jclouds team currently seeks help and asks for suggestions utilizing the > jclouds and jclouds-dev Google groups and IRC on irc.freenode.net#jclouds. > Any and all submissions for changes are reviewed and taken into consideration. > > === Community === > > jclouds has a highly active and growing community of users and developers. > The community is currently fostered at > https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/jclouds-dev and > https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/jclouds. The jclouds team also > encourages community members to engage in discussions on irc in #jclouds. > > There have been over 100 individuals who have contributed code to jclouds > throughout the years, and this number has continued to increase at a rate of > 1 or 2 per month. It is accepted and anticipated that the amount of developer > participation within the community will increase under the guidance of the > Apache Software Foundation (ASF). > > === Core Developers === > > The core contributors are a diverse group comprised of both unaffiliated > developers and those hailing from small to large companies. They are > scattered geographically, and some are highly experienced industry as well as > open source developers. Though their backgrounds may be diverse, the > contributors are united in their belief in community driven software > development. > > More detailed information on the core developers and contributors in general > can be found under the section on homogeneous developers. > > === Alignment === > > jclouds adoption is growing, and it is no longer feasible for it to remain as > an isolated project. Apache is experienced in dealing with software that is > very widely accepted and has a growing audience. The proposers believe that > the jclouds team can benefit from the ASF's experience and its broad array of > users and developers. > > jclouds supports several Apache projects and options exist for integration > with others. Apache ACE, Apache Karaf Cellar, Apache Camel, and Apache Whirr > all utilize jclouds APIs. Apache Karaf integration with jclouds provides > managed service factories and command line support for creating and > administering blobstore and compute as OSGi services. Apache Maven may be > used with jclouds to build new projects. > > == Known Risks == > > === Orphaned products === > > jclouds is already being utilized at multiple companies that are actively > participating in improving the code. The thriving community centered around > jclouds has seen steady growth, and the project is gaining traction with > developers. The risks of the code being abandoned are minimal. > > === Inexperience with Open Source === > > jclouds began as an open source project in March of 2009 and has remained so > for 4 years. Additionally, many of the committers have extensive experience > with other open source projects. jclouds fosters a collaborative and > community-driven environment. > > In the interest of openly sharing technology and attracting more community > members, several of our developers also regularly attend conferences in North > America and Europe to give talks about jclouds. jclouds meetups are also > planned every few months for developers and community members to come > together in person and discuss ideas. > > === Homogeneous Developers === > > Thanks in part to founder Adrian Cole's love of travel, jclouds has attracted > committers across North America, Europe, and Asia. The committers' technical > and professional backgrounds are diverse as well, with the range of > experience being several months to 18+ years. The committers are employed at > both smaller companies, such as Andrew Gaul from the startup Maginatics, and > larger corporations, as is the case with Matt Stephenson from Google. Though > there are currently a handful of contributors from the same companies, none > of the initial committers are from the same company. jclouds committer Andrew > Bayer is also a PMC member and committer on the Apache projects Bigtop, > Flume, Sqoop, and Whirr. > > The jclouds developers thrive upon the diversity of the community. The > jclouds IRC channel is always active, and the developers often collaborate on > fixes and changes in the code. They are always happy to answer users' > questions as well. > > jclouds is interested in continuing to expand and strengthen its network of > developers and community members through the ASF. > > === Reliance on Salaried Developers === > > None of the developers are directly funded by jclouds. Though some of the > developers are paid by their employer to contribute to jclouds, many jclouds > developers contribute code and documentation on their own time and have done > so for a lengthy period. Given the current stream of development requests and > the committers' sense of ownership of the jclouds code, this arrangement is > expected to continue with jclouds' induction into the ASF. > > === Relationships with Other Apache Products === > > jclouds and Apache Libcloud address similiar use cases. However, jclouds > supplies these services for the Java and Clojure communities whereas Libcloud > provides them for the Python ecosystem. > > While jclouds does not directly rely upon any Apache project, it does support > several Apache projects and has options to collaborate with several others. > More specifically, jclouds currently supports Apache Whirr, Apache ACE, > Apache Karaf, and Apache Camel, and options exist to use Apache Maven as a > build tool with the jclouds API. > > jclouds includes support for the Apache CloudStack API and is used as a > compatibility test tool for its EC2 interface. jclouds can also be used to > test Apache Deltacloud EC2 portability. > > === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand === > > jclouds recognizes the fortitude of the Apache brand, but the motivation for > becoming an Apache project is to strengthen and expand the jclouds community > and its user base. While the jclouds community has seen steady growth over > the past several years, association with the ASF is expected to expedite this > pattern of growth. Development is expected to continue on jclouds under the > Apache license whether or not it is supported by the ASF. > > == Documentation == > > The [[http://www.jclouds.org/|jclouds]] project documentation is publicly > available at the following sites: > > * http://jclouds.org: installation guide, user guides, development > resources, news, resources to get started > * https://github.com/jclouds/jclouds: current source, source code issues log > * https://github.com/jclouds/jclouds.github.com: static content for > jclouds.org, documentation issues log > * https://twitter.com/jclouds: jclouds on Twitter > * https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/jclouds-dev: the > jclouds development forum on Google Groups > * https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/jclouds: the jclouds > community forum on Google Groups > > == Initial Source == > > The initial source is located on GitHub in the following repositories: > > * git://github.com/jclouds/jclouds.git > * git://github.com/jclouds/jclouds-labs.git > * git://github.com/jclouds/jclouds.github.com.git > * git://github.com/jclouds/jclouds-chef.git > * git://github.com/jclouds/jclouds-cli.git > * git://github.com/jclouds/jclouds-karaf.git > * git://github.com/jclouds/jclouds-examples.git > > == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan == > > jclouds's initial source is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. > https://github.com/jclouds/jclouds/blob/master/resources/LICENSE.txt > > == External Dependencies == > > This is a listing of Maven coordinates for all of the external dependencies > jclouds uses. All of the dependencies are in Sonatype and their licenses > should be accessible. > > * aopalliance:aopalliance:jar:1.0:compile > * com.google.code.gson:gson:jar:2.2.2:compile > * com.google.guava:guava:jar:14.0.1:compile > * com.google.inject.extensions:guice-assistedinject:jar:3.0:compile > * com.google.inject:guice:jar:3.0:compile > * javax.annotation:jsr250-api:jar:1.0:compile > * javax.inject:javax.inject:jar:1:compile > * javax.ws.rs:jsr311-api:jar:1.1.1:compile > * org.99soft.guice:rocoto:jar:6.2:compile > > == Cryptography == > > jclouds contains no cryptographic algorithms, but it does provide the ability > for people to plug in various cryptographic libraries. > > == Required Resources == > > === Mailing lists === > > * jclouds-dev: for development discussions > * jclouds-user: for community discussions > * jclouds-private: for PPMC discussions > * jclouds-commits: for code changes > > === Apache git repository === > > The jclouds team is experienced in git and requests the following allocation > on the Apache git server: > > git://git.apache.org/incubator-jclouds.git > > === Issue Tracking === > > jclouds currently uses GitHub for issue tracking. The intent is to request an > allocation for Jira upon acceptance into the Incubator. Proposed project > name: jclouds > > == Initial Committers == > > * Ignasi Barrera, ignasi dot barrera at gmail dot com > * Andrew Bayer, abayer at apache dot org > * Ioannis Canellos, iocanel at gmail dot com > * Adrian Cole, adrianc at netflix dot com > * Andrew Gaul, gaul at maginatics dot com > * Andrew Phillips, aphillips at qrmedia dot com > * Matt Stephenson, mattstep at mattstep dot net > * Everett Toews, everett dot toews at rackspace dot com > * Becca Wood, silkysun at silkysun dot net > > == Affiliations == > > * Ignasi Barrera, Abiquo > * Andrew Bayer, Cloudera > * Ioannis Canellos, Red Hat > * Adrian Cole, Netflix > * Andrew Gaul, Maginatics > * Matt Stephenson, Google > * Everett Toews, Rackspace > > == Sponsors == > === Champion === > > * Brian McCallister, Apache Software Foundation > > === Mentors === > > * Brian McCallister, Apache Software Foundation > * Tom White, Apache Software Foundation > * Henning Schmiedehausen, Apache Software Foundation > * David Nalley, Apache Software Foundation > * Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Apache Software Foundation > * Mohammad Nour El-Din, Apache Software Foundation > * Olivier Lamy, Apache Software Foundation > * Tomaz Muraus, Apache Software Foundation > * Suresh Marru, Apache Software Foundation > * Carlos Sanchez, Apache Software Foundation > > === Sponsoring Entity === > > The jclouds contributors and community request sponsorship from the Incubator. > --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org