On 25/03/13 08:41, ant elder wrote:
On Mon, Mar 25, 2013 at 8:36 AM, Upayavira <u...@odoko.co.uk> wrote:

Now, you might argue that mentoring is a lot more than voting, but we
could create another bottleneck in getting release votes through,
requiring votes from incubator PMC members who are not particularly
focused on the podling.

Thats exactly what i would argue, mentoring is a lot more than voting
on releases. Many (most?) poddlings don't get three mentor votes on
releases anyway and have to come to general@ so changing to have
non-PMC mentors isn't going to make that worse than it already is.


I agree mentoring is a lot more than voting.

One point though (not suggesting new process) - there is some value in coming to general@ at least once in the podlings incubation. It brings in a wider perspective and understanding because small-N mentors on a podling may not themselves have a complete awareness of everything.


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