For the March report, Benson tried to get the Shepherds to self organize; but it was an unqualified failure. No Shepherd (including myself) stepped forward to take on podlings for review. The only reason I ended up reviewing any podlings is that I was preparing the report for March.
Given that Shepherds in the past have always done well when assigned & assuming that they are still a valuable construct, I think we should figure out a way to automate the assignment of Shepherds. I have done nothing with any of the incubator scripts (clutch, report generator, etc), but here is what I think we need: - a place for potential shepherds to register which months and the number of podlings they want to review. We could open this to any IPMC member (or potentially people who are members of current PPMCs that have an interest in expanding their horizons) - update the script that generates the wiki page to create the shepherd table based on the registrations. This script would also be responsible for notifying the IPMC when there are not enough shepherds for the current period. I will have to dig in to figure out how to accomplish this with the current infrastructure (any pointers welcome); but, I wanted to get buy-in on the concept first. Thoughts? --------------------------------------------------------------------- To unsubscribe, e-mail: For additional commands, e-mail: