On 18.03.2013 11:35, Mohammad Nour El-Din wrote:
> Hi
>    Last time I checked the rules it state that, for such votes, the IPMC
> should be *notified* through general@

    This VOTE is not a requirement but is recommended. It is unlikely
    that IPMC members will vote to approve graduation unless the Mentors
    and community positively express their readiness for graduation. It
    is wise to copy the incubator general list when the vote is proposed.

I see no requirement to notify. And I still maintain it's confusing, as
evidenced by this very case.

It would make more sense if general@ were notified after the fact of the
vote result, e.g., as an addendum to the graduation vote proposal.
There's absolutely no call for the IPMC to poke our fingers into what
are obviously optional, internal podling procedures. That's almost as
bad as doing code reviews for them.

-- Brane

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