Hi Eddie,

On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 8:02 AM, Ted Dunning <ted.dunn...@gmail.com> wrote:
> No.  This doesn't work.  That sentence is followed by another:
> Where the Champion is not a Member of the Foundation (i.e. is an Officer
>> only), the Champion shall be a member of the PMC of the Sponsor.
> The Sponsor here is the Incubator.  The PMC of the Sponsor is the IPMC.
>  You aren't an IPMC member.  Therefore, since you are not a Member and you
> aren't a member of the PMC of the Sponsor, you can't be the champion.

could you please close the "Create MRQL" tasks in the Infra Jira until
the situation has been cleared up. Whenever this all has been sorted
out you can reopen the issues.

On another note:

There were now multiple issues with this podling. Can I make a
suggestion? What, if you would not join as a Mentor/Champion but as an
initial committer. As you said yourself you do not know all the rules
but you are willing to learn. Joining this podling would be a great
chance to learn all the rules, which are mandatory to know when you
want to mentor a podling.

If that is ok, I furthermore suggest you write to general@ that you
are going to add your name to the initial committers list. I guess
nobody will object.

Then there is a need for a champion; please ask on general@ in another
mail for somebody who has the interest.

When it comes to mentors, most people say a podling should start with
3. There are a few podlings with 2 mentors. I guess it could work out.

Whenever you have the champion, please ask him to create a new
acceptance vote for MRQL. I guess this one would be ok since Alex and
Mo already +1, but I also feel it would be a good idea to make it

My 2 cents - other IPMC members might see things different.


> On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 9:43 PM, Edward J. Yoon <edwardy...@apache.org>wrote:
>> > As you have previously pointed out Champion and Mentors are required to
>> be IPMC members [1], [2]. So sorry you cannot be counted as a
>> mentor/champion for MRQL.
>> Regarding Champion, Am I not a Officer of ASF? - "A candidate project
>> shall be sponsored by an Officer or Member of the Foundation."


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