On 03.02.2013 21:26, Christian Grobmeier wrote:
>> Just to be clear, in the case of Onami Logging, reviewers are  asked to
>> find the right package amongst 8 different source packages in 8
>> different directories.
> What do you mean with "right"? They all are "right", because they
> contain different sources and we want to release them all.

In the end I realized that only the -parent.zip contained all the
sources and was comparable to the contents of the release tag in SVN.
This should, IMO, be better communicated in the vote announcement.

The fact that the NOTICE files in the other source .jars are not
identical to the one in the source .zip, or in the release tag, is
(putting it mildly) confusing.

> Impossible? I have to disagree. One can:
> wget -r -l 1 -np -nH -nd -nv -e robots=off --wait 10
> --no-check-certificate
> https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapacheonami-150/
> and easily gets all files.

Yes. I'm not interested in checking a lot of binaries. They're not part
of the release, right?

-- Brane

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