Hi Suresh,

We would be honored to have you on board. Thank you and I'm looking
forward to your help and guidance!


P.S. Add yourself to the wiki, no problem!

On 1/27/13 4:36 PM, "Suresh Marru" <sma...@apache.org> wrote:

>On Jan 27, 2013, at 1:56 PM, "Mattmann, Chris A (388J)"
><chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
>> Hey Suresh,
>> Thanks a ton man and great to hear!
>> To your comment below:
>> On 1/27/13 5:56 AM, "Suresh Marru" <sma...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Chris,
>>> Great proposal, I am personally looking forward to see more of these
>>> federal government and international collaboration efforts adopt open
>>> community process. Impressive to see this project is pulling together
>>> initial developers from government and universities of US, South
>>> UK, Germany and India (I will hope all of them will be able to get
>>> CLA's cleared). You are really scraping the black ice on bureaucratic
>>> highways and preventing at least some reinventing wheels with valuable
>>> tax payers money in multiple countries.
>>> Will this system evaluate and be inclusive of the community earth
>>> modeling community?
>> Yep this proposal includes some of those that are directly involved in
>> that community including Tsengdar Lee, as well as members of the Earth
>> System Grid Federation. We will definitely be inclusive and are happy to
>> have involvement.
>Sounds very good. I am unable to resist my itch, so will like to jump on
>the band wagon as a committer. Please let me know if I can add myself to
>the proposal wiki.
>> Thanks!
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>>> Suresh
>>> On Jan 26, 2013, at 2:48 PM, "Mattmann, Chris A (388J)"
>>> <chris.a.mattm...@jpl.nasa.gov> wrote:
>>>> Hi Everyone!
>>>> I bring to the Incubator a new proposal for the Apache Open Climate
>>>> Workbench (incubating) project. I've added the proposal to the
>>>> wiki here:
>>>> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ClimateProposal
>>>> The project is a distributed, scalable approach for the rapid
>>>> of remote sensing data (e.g., from NASA) with that of climate model
>>>> output
>>>> generated by major US and international activities including the US
>>>> National Climate Assessment, the Coordinated Regional Downscaling
>>>> Experiment (CORDEX), the North American Regional Climate Change
>>>> Assessment
>>>> Program (NARCCAP) the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
>>>> Much of the software to be donated and evolved here at Apache as a
>>>> community includes core dependencies to several Apache projects (OODT,
>>>> Hadoop/HIVE, Sqoop, Tika), and to several key toolkits in the Python
>>>> software community including NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, NCAR NCL, etc.
>>>> We welcome your feedback over the next week or so for discussion and
>>>> look
>>>> forward to it!
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Chris Mattmann
>>>> Proposed Mentor and Champion
>>>> ---------------proposal text
>>>> = Apache Open Climate Workbench, tool for scalable comparison of
>>>> sensing observations to climate model outputs, regionally and
>>>> =
>>>> === Abstract ===
>>>> The Apache Open Climate Workbench proposal desires to contribute an
>>>> existing community of software related to the analysis and evaluation
>>>> climate models, and related to the use of remote sensing data in that
>>>> process. 
>>>> Specifically, we will bring a fundamental software toolkit for
>>>> and evaluation of climate model output against remote sensing data.
>>>> toolkit is called the [[http://rcmes.jpl.nasa.gov|Regional Climate
>>>> Evaluation System (RCMES)]]. RCMES provides two fundamental components
>>>> for
>>>> the easy, intuitive comparison of climate model output against remote
>>>> sensing data. The first component called RCMED (for "Regional Climate
>>>> Model Evaluation Database") is a scalable cloud database that
>>>> remote sensing data and renalysis data related to climate using Apache
>>>> OODT extractors, Apache Tika, etc. These transformations make
>>>> traditionally heterogeneous upstream remote sensing data and climate
>>>> model
>>>> output homogeneous and unify them into a data point model of the form
>>>> (lat, lng, time, value, height) on a per parameter basis. Latitude
>>>> and Longitude (lng) are in WGS84 format, but can be reformatted on the
>>>> fly. time is in ISO 8601 format, a string sortable format independent
>>>> underlying store. value carries with it units, related to
>>>> and height allows for different values for different atmospheric
>>>> vertical
>>>> levels. All of RCMES is built on Apache OODT, Apache Sqoop/Apache
>>>> and Apache Hive, along with hooks to PostGIS and MySQL (traditional
>>>> relational databases). The second component of the system, RCMET (for
>>>> "Regional Climate Model Evaluation Toolkit") provides facilities for
>>>> connecting to RCMED, dynamically obtaining remote sensing data for a
>>>> space/time region of interest, grabbing associated model output (that
>>>> the
>>>> user brings, or from the Earth System Grid Federation) of the same
>>>> and then regridding the remote sensing data to be on the model output
>>>> grid, or the model output to be on the remote sensing data grid. The
>>>> regridded data spatially is then temporally regridded using techniques
>>>> including seasonal cycle compositing (e.g., all summer months, all
>>>> Januaries, etc.), or by daily, monthly, etc. The uniform model output
>>>> and
>>>> remote sensing data are then analyzed using pluggable metrics, e.g.,
>>>> Probability Distribution Functions (PDFs), Root Mean Squared Error
>>>> (RMSE),
>>>> Bias, and other (possibly user-defined) techniques, computing an
>>>> analyzed
>>>> comparison or evaluation. This evaluation is then visualized by
>>>> in to the NCAR NCL library for producing static plots (histograms,
>>>> series, etc.)
>>>> We also have performed a great deal of work in packaging RCMES to make
>>>> the
>>>> system easy to deploy. We have working Virtual Machines (VMWare VMX
>>>> Virtual Box OVA compatible formats) and we also have an installer
>>>> on
>>>> Python Buildout (http://buildout.org/) called "Easy RCMET" for
>>>> dynamically
>>>> constructing the RCMET toolkit.
>>>> RCMES is currently supporting a number of recognized climate projects
>>>> (inter-)national significance. In particular, RCMES is supporting the
>>>> [[http://www.globalchange.gov/what-we-do/assessment|U.S. National
>>>> Climate
>>>> Assessment (NCA) activities]] on behalf of NASA's contribution to the
>>>> NCA;
>>>> is working with the [[http://www.narccap.ucar.edu/|North American
>>>> Regional
>>>> Climate Change Assessment Program (NARCCAP)]]; and is also working
>>>> the International [[http://wcrp-cordex.ipsl.jussieu.fr/|Coordinated
>>>> Regional Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX)]].
>>>> === Proposal ===
>>>> We propose to transition the RCMES software community, which includes
>>>> developers of the RCMET and RCMED software, along with users of RCMES
>>>> the CORDEX project across a variety of academic institutions,
>>>> helping to improve the RCMES metrics, and visualizations, and
>>>> algorithms, packagers making RCMES easier to install, and scientists
>>>> helping to lead some of these international projects that are already
>>>> using RCMES. 
>>>> We have been working on the RCMES project since 2009 funded initially
>>>> the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) project out at NASA,
>>>> and
>>>> then branching out into other sources of support and sustainability
>>>> (NASA;
>>>> NSF, etc. -- see the
>>>> [[http://rcmes.jpl.nasa.gov/about/overview|acknowledgements]] section
>>>> the RCMES website for a full list of supporting U.S. and international
>>>> partners). 
>>>> With the existing RCMES community at Apache, we will also work to
>>>> encourage other climate software projects e.g., Open Climate GIS,
>>>> elements
>>>> of the Earth System Grid Federation, other NASA climate projects
>>>> under the Computational Modeling, Algorithms and Cyberinfrastructure
>>>> (CMAC) to contribute to the Open Climate Workbench here at Apache.
>>>> RCMED is a Big Data project that combines several underlying Apache
>>>> software -- OODT, Tika, Hadoop, HIVE, and Sqoop -- and other related
>>>> data
>>>> management software. Its primary language is Java; RCMET, on the other
>>>> hand, is a Python API, associated set of classes (framework), set of
>>>> Python Bottle Web services, and a PHP "Wizard"-based User Interface
>>>> leverages Apache OODT Balance.
>>>> === Background ===
>>>> Bringing RCMES to Apache was the brain-child of Chris Mattmann, based
>>>> his solid experience with Apache OODT and bringing it to the ASF.
>>>> worked for a year to get the support of the JPL community including
>>>> approvals from the Software Release authority at JPL to release the
>>>> software. 
>>>> The initial code drop will include the RCMES SVN repository from JPL
>>>> including prior revisions. We anticipate also including a smaller
>>>> package,
>>>> CDX, which contains some useful facilities for regridding, and command
>>>> line tools for manipulating large datasets, and working with OPeNDAP,
>>>> etc.
>>>> After the code drop, we will work with our developers, users,
>>>> documentors,
>>>> and other members of the team to teach those unfamiliar with the
>>>> way how it works around here at Apache. 30% of the community from
>>>> includes those intimately familiar with Apache including 5 ASF members
>>>> --
>>>> the other 70% include a range of scientific code developers, climate
>>>> scientists that use RCMES, program officers that will help make
>>>> documentation and slides for the code, and advocate for it in the
>>>> community. Their experience with Apache ranges from using various ASF
>>>> products, to contributing patches to them, to not using any ASF
>>>> at all.
>>>> With this diversity, we anticipate that while everything may not just
>>>> work
>>>> turnkey out of the box, this represents a unique opportunity to
>>>> demonstrate Apache to the international community and to show the
>>>> benefits
>>>> of its community and social models. That said, we also have a lot of
>>>> experience to make sure everyone learns the Apache way.
>>>> === Rationale ===
>>>> We are bringing RCMES to Apache for a few reasons. First, we feel that
>>>> it
>>>> will immediately enable our collaborators across a number of
>>>> institutions
>>>> both nationally and internationally have the opportunity to work on a
>>>> common software base, and to improve it with contributions from their
>>>> own
>>>> sites. Currently these are difficult to negotiate now because of
>>>> legal and contribution frameworks -- Apache allows us to simplify this
>>>> to
>>>> a unified one. Second, using the ASF's world-wide mirroring system, we
>>>> will be able to deliver climate software broadly to the community as
>>>> release it, rather than sneaker netting the software around or
>>>> establishing our own point release infrastructure.
>>>> Bringing this project to Apache also immediately thrusts the ASF into
>>>> the
>>>> thriving ecosystem of the Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment
>>>> (CORDEX), the US National Cimate Assessment, the North American
>>>> Climate Change Assessment Program (the US contribution to CORDEX) and
>>>> into
>>>> relevance for upcoming Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
>>>> assessment activities at a number of different institutions. We also
>>>> seek
>>>> to help lead and encourage du jour standard development rather than
>>>> down level dictating of standards for climate software and the ASF
>>>> provide us a means for that.
>>>> === Initial Goals ===
>>>> The initial goals of the proposed project are:
>>>> * Stand up a sustaining Apache-based community around the JPL RCMES
>>>> codebase.
>>>> * Active relationships and possible cooperation with related projects
>>>> and
>>>> communities, including end user and scientific communities, CORDEX,
>>>> * Active relationships and possible cooperation with existing Apache
>>>> communities, e.g., OODT, Hadoop/HIVE, Sqoop, Tika, SIS, etc.
>>>> * Initial Apache release.
>>>> * Leverage Apache Open Climate Workbench in climate activities at
>>>> in the international community as mentioned above, and beyond.
>>>> * Vetting all software licenses and making sure IP is clear (software
>>>> grant from JPL forthcoming).
>>>> == Current Status ==
>>>> === Meritocracy ===
>>>> 30% of the proposed initial committers are familiar with the
>>>> principles of Apache. As stated above this includes 5 ASF members. Of
>>>> the
>>>> mentorship list, we have included Chris Douglas, a PMC member from
>>>> Hadoop
>>>> and ASF member to help guide the community. Chris M. and Chris D. have
>>>> guided a number of projects through the Incubator over the years. The
>>>> other mentor includes Paul Ramirez, who has experience with the
>>>> Incubator
>>>> -- he was a mentor for Apache Any23, and also was  one of the PPMC
>>>> members
>>>> and eventual mentor for Apache SIS. The 70% of proposed initial
>>>> committers
>>>> that aren't as familiar with Apache have a broad range of experience
>>>> other open source projects, and have a deep respect and affinity for
>>>> foundation and the work that gets done here. The more experience ASF
>>>> mentors and project members will help to guide them.
>>>> === Community ===
>>>> There is an existing, established community of developers and users of
>>>> this projet. This includes established communities including the
>>>> Coordinated Regional Downscaling Experiment, the U.S. National Climate
>>>> Assessment (NCA), the North American Regional Climate Change
>>>> Program (NARCCAP), and more. The Coordinated Regional Climate
>>>> Downscaling
>>>> Experiment (CORDEX, http://wcrp.ipsl.jussieu.fr/cordex/about.html) is
>>>> world wide effort of coordination of regional climate downscaling
>>>> experiments driven by the World Climate Research Program (WRCP,
>>>> http://www.wcrp-climate.org/index.shtml). Recently, a large number of
>>>> RCD
>>>> projects have been carried out on a large parts of the world. To
>>>> maximize
>>>> the benefits of these research activities the WCRP designed a
>>>> (Giorgi, WMO-Bulletin, 2009) focused on "quality-control [of] data
>>>> of
>>>> RCD-based information for the recent historical past and 21st century
>>>> projections, covering the majority of populated land regions on the
>>>> globe".  CORDEX defined different control domains (up to 10,
>>>> http://cordex.dmi.dk/joomla/) for almost all the populated regions of
>>>> the
>>>> world in a way to standardize the experiments and make them
>>>> A
>>>> key region focused on Africa was also designated as the top priority
>>>> WRCP. CORDEX also provides a a series of conventions and list of
>>>> variables
>>>> that have to be followed by any project that wants to contribute to
>>>> experiment. Each CORDEX region has a coordinator and regional and
>>>> international periodic meetings are scheduled in a way to ensure the
>>>> global well being. NARCCAP is the U.S. contribution to CORDEX. From
>>>> [[http://www.globalchange.gov/what-we-do/assessment/nca-overview|US
>>>> National Climate Assessment]] site, work is "being conducted under the
>>>> auspices of the Global Change Research Act of 1990. The GCRA requires
>>>> report to the President and the Congress every four years that
>>>> integrates,
>>>> evaluates, and interprets the findings of the U.S. Global Change
>>>> Research
>>>> Program (USGCRP); analyzes the effects of global change on the natural
>>>> environment, agriculture, energy production and use, land and water
>>>> resources, transportation, human health and welfare, human social
>>>> systems,
>>>> and biological diversity; and analyzes current trends in global
>>>> both human-induced and natural, and projects major trends for the
>>>> subsequent 25 to 100 years."
>>>> Apache Open Climate Workbench will support all of these communities
>>>> above,
>>>> with an eye towards being a general purpose climate evaluation toolkit
>>>> for
>>>> model output and remote sensing data.
>>>> === Core Developers ===
>>>> The initial set of developers comes from various NASA centers (JPL,
>>>> Goddard Space Flight Center), NASA HQ, various  Universities
>>>> participating
>>>> in CORDEX (Cape Town, University of New South Wales), the Indian
>>>> Institute
>>>> of Tropical Meteorology, the Free Univ. Berlin), the University of
>>>> California Los Angeles, and Howard University. As mentioned previously
>>>> several of our developers are Apache veterans and understand how it
>>>> works
>>>> around here and for those that don't, they will have great mentorship.
>>>> === Alignment ===
>>>> Our proposed effort aligns with the U.S. National Climate Assessment,
>>>> the
>>>> CORDEX effort, other efforts, including the Earth System Grid
>>>> Federation,
>>>> other climate software including the Open Climate GIS toolkit, other
>>>> science portals for climate including the Climate Information Portal
>>>> (CIP)
>>>> at the University of Cape Town, and other related projects.
>>>> There are also a number of related Apache projects and dependencies,
>>>> that
>>>> will be mentioned in the Relationships with Other Apache products
>>>> section.
>>>> == Known Risks ==
>>>> === Orphaned products ===
>>>> Our project has a history of funding support from JPL, NASA
>>>> (Applications
>>>> program/ARRA, NCA, AIST), NSF (ExArch project), international
>>>> from collaborators, and from other funding sources. The funding
>>>> are all target future deliverables and activities, so there is little
>>>> chance this software and community will be orphaned.
>>>> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
>>>> All the initial developers have worked on open source before -- 30% of
>>>> the
>>>> proposed initial community are experience with the ASF, and are PMC
>>>> members and committers on ASF project including 5 ASF members. Our
>>>> mentors
>>>> are all ASF members, and we welcome any interest from additional
>>>> mentors in the effort. Those 70% of our project that aren't Apache
>>>> committers, PMC members, or members will benefit from the leadership
>>>> the other 30% of the project.
>>>> === Homogenous Developers ===
>>>> The initial developers come from a variety of backgrounds and with a
>>>> variety of needs for the proposed framework. Everyone is used to
>>>> communicating on mailing lists as the project spans timezones,
>>>> international institutions and centers of excellence for climate
>>>> science.
>>>> === Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
>>>> All of the proposed initial developers are paid to work on this or
>>>> related
>>>> projects, but the proposed project is not the primary task for anyone.
>>>> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
>>>> As mentioned above, RCMES and the Apache Open Climate Workbench
>>>> depend on Apache OODT for facade interfaces to underlying data
>>>> warehouses
>>>> for storing remote sensing data; and for metadata extraction and
>>>> transformation. The software also uses Apache Tika for this (through a
>>>> transitive dependency from OODT). In addition, we have hooks to Apache
>>>> Hadoop/HIVE, as well as dependencies on Apache Sqoop for dumping out
>>>> remote sensing data from MySQL and into HIVE.
>>>> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
>>>> All of us are familiar with Apache and have a respect for its brand
>>>> community. Chris Mattmann is a big proponent of Apache's
>>>> factor -- and it's ability to grow software communities, in an
>>>> institution, or funding source neutral manner. All of the community
>>>> an extreme respect for Apache, including those in our communities who
>>>> aren't necessarily trained computer scientists, but are Scientists
>>>> "S", e.g., land, physical, Earth/Climate scientists).
>>>> == Documentation ==
>>>> The initial RCMES code base will come from the internal JPL Subversion
>>>> repository. The [[Regional Climate Model Evaluation System (RCMES)
>>>> project|http://rcmes.jpl.nasa.gov]] at
>>>> has documentation on the existing software, including links to funding
>>>> support, communities, and other projects. We will continue to maintain
>>>> that site at JPL, which is part of the reason for rebranding the
>>>> here at Apache with a new name to not interfere with the existing
>>>> one that has a following. In addition, we hope to evolve RCMES@JPL to
>>>> have
>>>> increasing levels of dependency on Apache Open Climate Workbench, so
>>>> that
>>>> we can incrementally transition with little impact to existing
>>>> customers.
>>>> In addition, JPL's [[http://cdx.jpl.nasa.gov|Climate Data eXchange
>>>> (CDX)]]
>>>> website also has documentation on the existing software.
>>>> == Initial Source ==
>>>> The project will start with seed code donated by NASA JPL via Mattmann
>>>> and
>>>> the rest of the initial committers, which consists of the Regional
>>>> Climate
>>>> Model Evaluation System (RCMES) toolkit, and the Climate Data eXchange
>>>> (CDX) software. This will include the core Python API for RCMET, the
>>>> RCMED
>>>> OODT catalog project (which stores remote sensing data to
>>>> and HIVE), and the RCMED extractors for various climate formats. The
>>>> source will also include Easy-RCMET, the Python Buildout for RCMET. In
>>>> addition, we will bring along the CDX toolkit, which includes a CDX
>>>> client
>>>> package that performs subsetting, access, regridding of climate data;
>>>> and
>>>> also includes a Python Buildout installer of its own called Uber CDX.
>>>> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
>>>> All seed code and other contributions will be handled through the
>>>> Apache contribution process. Mattmann has been authorized by NASA JPL
>>>> lead the contribution of RCMES and CDX into the Incubator via his
>>>> existing
>>>> Apache CLA, and a Software Grant to be provided.
>>>> We will also contact other related efforts for possible cooperation
>>>> contributions.
>>>> == External Dependencies ==
>>>> Our project depends on a number of external libraries with various
>>>> licensing conditions. An initial list of such dependencies is shown
>>>> below.
>>>> ||<tableclass="bodyTable"rowclass="b">'''Library''' ||'''License''' ||
>>>> ||<rowclass="b">[[http://www.ncl.ucar.edu/|NCAR NCL]]||MIT compat||
>>>> ||<rowclass="a">[[http://www.pyngl.ucar.edu/Nio.shtml|PyNIO]]||MIT
>>>> compat||
>>>> ||<rowclass="b">[[http://www.pyngl.ucar.edu/|PyNGL]]||MIT compat||
>>>> ed
>>>> PSF license||
>>>> ||<rowclass="b">[[http://scipy.org/|Scipy]]||MIT compat||
>>>> ||<rowclass="a">[[http://numpy.scipy.org/|NumPy]]||MIT compat||
>>>> ||<rowclass="b">[[http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/|HDF5]]||BSD||
>>>> MI
>>>> T||
>>>> == Cryptography ==
>>>> The project itself will not use cryptography, but it is possible that
>>>> some
>>>> of the external software libraries will include cryptographic code to
>>>> handle features present in various science data formats. If we need to
>>>> provide an export control statement regarding cryptographic code per
>>>> Apache policy, we will follow a similar approach by Mattmann in
>>>> [[http://lucene.apache.org/nutch/|Apache Nutch]] and by Jukka Zitting
>>>> lead
>>>> this effort in Apache Tika. Mattmann is familiar with this process.
>>>> == Required Resources ==
>>>> Mailing lists
>>>> * d...@climate.incubator.apache.org
>>>> * comm...@climate.incubator.apache.org
>>>> * priv...@climate.incubator.apache.org
>>>> Subversion Directory
>>>> * https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/climate
>>>> Issue Tracking
>>>> Other Resources
>>>> * CLIMATE Wiki http://cwiki.apache.org/CLIMATE
>>>> * Review Board instance - CLIMATE
>>>> * Jenkins instance - CLIMATE
>>>> == Initial Committers ==
>>>> ||'''Name''' ||'''Email''' ||'''Affiliation''' ||'''CLA''' ||
>>>> ||Chris A. Mattmann ||mattmann at apache dot org
>>>> ||[[http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/|NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]] ||yes ||
>>>> ||Cameron E. Goodale ||cgoodale at apache dot org
>>>> ||[[http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/|NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]] ||yes ||
>>>> ||Paul Ramirez ||pramirez at apache dog org
>>>> ||[[http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/|NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]] ||yes ||
>>>> ||Andrew F. Hart ||ahart at apache dot org
>>>> ||[[http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/|NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]] ||yes ||
>>>> ||Jinwon Kim||jkim at atmos dot ucla dot edu
>>>> ||[[http://jifresse.ucla.edu|UCLA Joint Institute for Regional Earth
>>>> System Science and Engineering]] || no||
>>>> ||Duane Waliser||duane dot waliser at jpl dot nasa dot gov
>>>> ||[[http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/|NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]] || no ||
>>>> ||Huikyo Lee||Huikyo dot Lee at jpl dot nasa dot
>>>> gov||[[http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/|NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]] || no
>>>> ||
>>>> ||Paul Loikith|| Paul dot C dot Loikith at jpl dot nasa dot gov
>>>> ||[[http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/|NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]] || no ||
>>>> ||Daniel J. Crichton||crichton at apache dot
>>>> org||[[http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/|NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]] ||
>>>> ||
>>>> ||Kim Whitehall||Kim dot D dot Whitehall at jpl dot nasa dot gov
>>>> ml
>>>> |Howard University]] || no ||
>>>> ||Paul Zimdars||pzimdars at apache dot
>>>> org||[[http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/|NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]] ||
>>>> ||
>>>> ||Chris Jack||cjack at csag dot uct dot ac dot
>>>> za||[[http://www.csag.uct.ac.za/|University of Cape Town]] || no ||
>>>> ||Bruce Hewitson||hewitson at csag dot uct dot ac dot
>>>> za||[[http://www.csag.uct.ac.za/|University of Cape Town]] || no ||
>>>> ||Lluis Fita Borrell||l dot fitaborrell at unsw dot edu dot
>>>> au||[[http://unsw.edu.au/|University of New South Wales]] || yes ||
>>>> ||Jason Evans||jason dot evans at unsw dot edu dot
>>>> au||[[http://unsw.edu.au/|University of New South Wales]] || no ||
>>>> ||Estani Gonzalez||estanislao dot gonzalez at met dot fu-berlin dot de
>>>> ||[[http://www.geo.fu-berlin.de/met/|Free University Berlin]] || yes
>>>> ||Luca Cinquini||luca dot cinquini at jpl dot nasa dot gov
>>>> ||[[http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/|NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory]] || yes
>>>> ||J. Sanjay||sanjay at tropmet dot res dot in ||
>>>> [[http://tropmet.res.in/|Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology]] ||
>>>> yes
>>>> ||
>>>> ||M. V. S. Rama Rao||ramarao at tropmet dot res dot in
>>>> ||[[http://tropmet.res.in/|Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology]]
>>>> yes ||
>>>> ||Tsengdar Lee||tsengdar dot j dot lee at nasa dot gov ||
>>>> [[http://hq.nassa.gov/|NASA HQ]] || no ||
>>>> ||Laura Carriere||laura dot carriere at nasa dot gov
>>>> ||[[http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/|NASA Goddard Space Flight Center]] || no
>>>> ||
>>>> ||Denis Nadeau|| denis dot nadeau at nasa dot
>>>> gov||[[http://www.gsfc.nasa.gov/|NASA Goddard Space Flight Center]] ||
>>>> no
>>>> ||
>>>> == Sponsors ==
>>>> Champion
>>>> * Chris Mattmann (mattmann at apache dot org)
>>>> Nominated Mentors
>>>> * Chris A. Mattmann (mattmann at apache dot org)
>>>> * Chris Douglas (cdouglas at apache dot org)
>>>> * Paul Ramirez (pramirez at apache dot org)
>>>> Sponsoring Entity
>>>> * Apache Incubator
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