I have always recommended PPMC==C on all of my podlings, and was taught
about that flat organizational structure when I started to see the light
at Apache.

2 Tweets that I truly believe in:


Making someone a C without PPMC gives them the power to evolve the code,
but not to help make decisions about how can maintain it, or when to
release it. Something about that, I just don't find right.


On 12/19/12 4:43 AM, "Benson Margulies" <bimargul...@gmail.com> wrote:

>A recent vote thread on the private list led Christian Grobmeier to
>wonder why a podling was simultaneously proposing someone for PPMC and
>committer status.
>A few bits of background:
>1. TLP's vary in their behavior in this regard. Some maintain a
>committer!=PMC distinction, and some do not.
>2. Historically, podlings have *not* maintained this distinction, but
>have waited for graduation to sort  out the initial PMC members.
>3. Legally/organizationally, since PPMC members don't have binding
>votes, there's not much practical effect of making a distinction. At
>the end of the day, only Incubator PMC members have binding votes.
>4. Christian pointed out that the Open Office podling found the
>process of sorting out the PMC/committer distinction to be painful.
>With all respect, I don't see the OO podling as typical. It's sheer
>size put it in a different category, and I for one do not feel
>inclined to tell podlings to start keeping PPMC and committer distinct
>on the basis of that history.
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