+1 (binding).


On Nov 29, 2012, at 3:28 AM, Andy Seaborne wrote:

> Hi there,
> Following the discussion thread, here is the formal vote on the Marmotta 
> proposal:
> Please cast your votes on whether to accept the Apache Marmotta proposal:
> [ ] +1 Accept Marmotta into the Apache Incubator
> [ ] +0 Indifferent to the acceptance of Marmotta
> [ ] -1 Do not accept the Marmotta proposal because ...
> The vote will be open until at least 23:59 Sunday 2nd December UTC
> (which is three full days from midnight tonight)
>       Andy
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/MarmottaProposal
> -----------------------
> == Abstract
> Marmotta is a Linked Data platform for industry-strength installations.
> == Proposal
> The goal of Apache Marmotta is to provide an open implementation of a Linked 
> Data Platform that can be used, extended, and deployed easily by 
> organizations who want to publish Linked Data or build custom applications on 
> Linked Data.
> The phrase "Linked Data" is used here idiosyncratically to refer to a data 
> integration paradigm across the Web. The term was coined by Tim Berners-Lee 
> in 2006, and it is based on four very simple principles which basically 
> describe recommended best practices for exposing, sharing, and connecting 
> pieces of data, information, and knowledge on the Semantic Web using URIs and 
> the RDF technology stack. Therefore Linked Data is about using the Web to 
> connect related data that wasn't previously linked, or using the Web to lower 
> the barriers to linking data currently linked using other methods.
> Marmotta will follow the core recommendations of the W3C on RDF, SPARQL and 
> Linked Data publishing, particularly the emerging Linked Data Platform (LDP) 
> recommendation. It will also offer extensions for frequently needed 
> additional functionalities like Linked Data Querying, WebID, WebACL, 
> Reasoning, and Versioning. Marmotta aims to cover both, Linked Open Data, as 
> well as Enterprise Linked Data scenarios, providing facilities to deal with 
> different data sources and requirements (small data/big data, open 
> access/restricted access, etc).
> == Background
> The Semantic Web isn't just about putting data on the web. It is about making 
> links, so that a person or machine can explore the web of data. Moreover, the 
> Web has quickly evolved to a Read-Write paradigm, and Linked Data 
> technologies too. And Marmotta will address this challenge and offer a common 
> infrastructure for organizations working in this area.
> Marmotta comes as a continuation of the work in the Linked Media Framework 
> (aka LMF) project. LMF is an easy-to-setup server application that bundles 
> central Semantic Web technologies to offer some advanced services. The Linked 
> Media Framework consists of LMF Core which provides a Read-Write Linked Data 
> server, plus some modules that complement the server with other added added 
> capabilities, such as, SPARQL 1.1, LDPath, LDCache, Reasoning, Versioning, 
> etc. Besides, LMF also provides a Client Library, currently available in 
> Java, PHP, and Javascript, as a convenient API abstraction around the LMF web 
> services. Currently LMF integrates with other relevant tools (Apache Stanbol, 
> Google Refine or Drupal) to cover a wider range of use cases and needs.
> == Rationale
> Linked Data technologies are now at a turning point from mostly research 
> projects to industrial applications, and a lot of standardisation is 
> currently in progress. Industrial applications require a reliable and 
> scalable infrastructure that follows and helps defining a standard way of 
> publishing and consuming Linked Data on the Web. The proposers have a strong 
> background in building such applications and have invested considerable 
> effort in the last years to building up an initial version of such a platform 
> (the “Linked Media Framework” or “LMF”). Starting from this solid base, we 
> strongly believe that Apache is the right environment to open the development 
> of this project to a wider scope.
> Marmotta has the potential of being a reference implementation and Apache 
> provides a better environment for a collaborative development effort. With 
> its well-established governance model based on meritocracy and handling 
> IP/legal issues, people from different organizations can more easily 
> contribute to the project. This will help unify the efforts of people 
> implementing the Linked Data Platform specification and other Semantic Web 
> standards. In addition, it would considerably help organizations in adopting 
> Linked Data technologies and would provide a solid base for further research 
> activities in the community.
> == Initial Goals
> * Foster the use of Semantic Web Technologies in industry
> * Provide an open source and community-driven implementation of a Linked Data 
> Platform and related Semantic Web standards, LDP 1.0 Draft and SPARQL 1.1 
> mainly
> * Move the existing LMF source from the current Google Code page to the 
> Apache infrastructure
> * Remove LMF extensions that are not relevant for a core Linked Data platform 
> (e.g. semantic search and content enhancement)
> * Define a plugable architeture for providing a data governance framework for 
> enterprise legacy sources
> * Revise the architecture, moving to a non-proprietary RDF API (Sesame or 
> Jena) and deciding whether to move to OSGi/Felix or stay with CDI/JavaEE as 
> SOA framework
> * Identify and replace dependencies with a non-compatible license (e.g. 
> replace XOM with JDOM)
> == Current Status
> The source for the current LMF is a stable software artifact that, having 
> emerged from research circles, has already a relevant number of real world 
> installations i.e. Red Bull Media House, Salzburger Nachrichten, 
> derStandard.at, etc.
> == Meritocracy
> LMF is the outcome of a number of research projects coordinated/participated 
> by Salzburg Research during the last five years. The original developers are 
> still part of the core development team, while at the same time many new 
> committers have joined the team. Taking this step we have made it clear to 
> our community that going forward, the community, rather than a single 
> organization, will determine the future of Marmotta.
> Meritocracy is inherent in the research community we come from, and since 
> Apache Marmotta aims to be a unifying project for this community it is only 
> natural to continue this approach.
> == Community
> Marmotta addresses two target communities: On the one hand, 
> researchers/developers who are working with Semantic Web technologies. On the 
> other hand, companies or organizations that require Semantic Web 
> infrastructure. The initial committers are active participants in both 
> communities.
> == Core Developers
> Sebastian Schaffert (sebastian dot schaffert at salzburgresearch dot at)
> Thomas Kurz (thomas dot kurz at salzburgresearch dot at)
> Jakob Frank (jakob dot frank at salzburgresearch dot at)
> Dietmar Glachs (dietmar dot glachs at salzburgresearch dot at)
> Sergio Fernández (sergio dot fernandez at salzburgresearch dot at)
> == Alignment
> Marmotta complements and integrates well with the current landscape of Apache 
> projects, especially with the emerging “semantic technologies” cluster within 
> the ASF. Concretely, Marmotta will align with the following projects:
> * Apache Commons (lang, loggging, http and so on) is extensively used in many 
> part of the project
> * Apache Tomcat is currently the primary platform for deployment; with 
> Marmotta, Tomcat can be turned into a Linked Data server
> * Apache Stanbol will very likely adopt parts of the Marmotta infrastructure, 
> particularly for implementing the entity hub and for exposing the RDF data as 
> Linked Data
> * Apache Jena could become the RDF API used throughout Marmotta; an 
> architecural decision is yet to be taken
> * Apache Any23 could be integrated in the LMF as wrapper around non-RDF data 
> sources to consume them as Linked Data; a similar approach has already been 
> taken by the LMF
> * Apache Tika could be use for metada extraction of content
> * Apache Karaf and Apache Felix could become the OSGi container for running 
> and configuring the Marmotta components
> In addition to these more-or-less concrete proposals, there are some options 
> that still require some strategic decisions. For example, it make make sense 
> to build a storage backend based on Apache Hadoop for large-scale 
> installations using HBase (e.g. jena grande, h2rdf, hdrs, hadoop rdf). 
> Several extensions also build on existing Apache projects, most importantly 
> the LMF Semantic Search component, which offers semantic search over Linked 
> Data resources.
> == Known Risks
> Probably one of the major risks will not be able to engage the community for 
> addressing the new challenges. Knowing this, we will do our best to provide 
> the greater facilities to attract new developers and organizations. In 
> particular, we will try to actively engage developers from the Linked Data 
> community through our networks.
> == Orphaned Products
> The current project is part of the business portfolio and a strategic project 
> of the contributor organization, and will continue in that way. So there is 
> no risk of any of the usual warning signs of orphaned or abandoned code.
> == Inexperience with Open Source
> The committers have large experience with open source development and 
> communities. Several of the key committers have been actively involved in 
> Open Source projects for more than 10-15 years. The initial code base of 
> Marmotta has already been developed as Open Source project in the last 5 
> years.
> == Homogenous Developers
> Because we are aware about the initial list of committers is not the best for 
> a long, it exists a strong commitment to spread the project creating a much 
> more diverse development team. Part of the reason to enter the Apache 
> incubation process is to open up the development to more interested 
> participants.
> == Reliance on Salaried Developers
> Right now most or all of that work is salaried, but the developers are 
> identifying themselves very much with the project. When opening up the 
> development using Apache as a platform, we expect that the future development 
> will occur on both salaried and volunteer time, particularly by participants 
> from the Linked Data community.
> == Relationships with Other Apache Projects
> Although current RDF/SPARQL support in LMF is build on top of OpenRDF Sesame 
> API, Marmotta is closely related to many Apache projects, such as Stanbol, 
> Jena and Any23. See “Alignment” above.
> == An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand
> While we expect the Apache brand may help attract more contributors, our 
> interests in starting this project is based on the factors mentioned in the 
> Rationale section.
> == Documentation
> Documentation for the current project can be found at:
>    http://lmf.googlecode.com
>    http://doc.lmf.googlecode.com/hg/api/index.html
>    http://doc.lmf.googlecode.com/hg/rest/index.html
>    http://doc.lmf.googlecode.com/hg/client/index.html
> == Initial Source
> LMF (formerly KiWi) has been developed since 2008. It is important to say 
> that the whole LMF will not be contributed to Marmotta, actually only those 
> parts that make up the "Linked Data Platform" functionality (Linked Data 
> Server, RDF Store, SPARQL, LDCache, Versioning, Reasoner and LDPath) . The 
> idea is to focus Marmotta much more in the core needs, keeping all 
> surrounding functionalities (Media-related modules and Semantic Search, 
> basically) out of the initial scope. Although the community will be who 
> ultimately decides what are the relevant modules. Since LMF is a very modular 
> software artifact it will be pretty easy to make such partitioning to 
> kick-off Marmotta.
> The current source code can be found at Google Code: http://lmf.googlecode.com
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan
> Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH is the sole copyright owner of 
> the initial code to be contributed, so should not be any problem with the 
> standard IP clearance process. Current licence is already Apache Software 
> License 2.0.
> == External Dependencies
> Most of current dependencies should have Apache compatible licenses, 
> including BSD, CDDL, CPL, MPL and MIT licensed dependencies. We are aware of 
> some incompatible licenses right now, but we will work to solve this issue. 
> See Appendix A for a detailed list of dependencies.
> == Cryptography
> Does Not Apply.
> == Required Resources
> Mailing lists
>    marmotta-dev
>    marmotta-commits
>    marmotta-users
> Repository
>    git://git.apache.org/marmotta.git
> Issue Tracking
>    Jira: MARMOTTA (Kanban board enabled at GreenHopper)
> Other Resources
>    Jenkins/Hudson for builds and test running.
>    Wiki for internal documentation purposes
>    Blog to improve the project dissemination
> == Initial Committers
> Sebastian Schaffert
>   (sebastian dot schafftert at salzburgresearch dot at)
> Thomas Kurz
>   (thomas dot kurz at salzburgresearch dot at)
> Jakob Frank
>   (jakob dot frank at salzburgresearch dot at)
> Dietmar Glachs
>   (dietmar dot glachs at salzburgresearch dot at)
> Sergio Fernández
>   (sergio dot fernandez at salzburgresearch dot at)
> Rupert Westenthaler
>   (rwesten at apache dot org)
> == Affiliations
> All initial committers are currently affiliated to Salzburg Research 
> Forschungsgesellschaft mbH.
> == Sponsors
> = Champion
>    Andy Seaborne (andy at apache dot org)
> = Nominated Mentors
>    Fabian Christ (fchrist at apache dot org)
>    Nandana Mihindukulasooriya (nandana at apache dot org)
>    Andy Seaborne (andy at apache dot org)
> = Sponsoring Entity
> Apache Incubator PMC
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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