On 17/11/12 09:01, Sergio Fernández wrote:
Hi Roy,
we were aware of the possible conflict/confusion with the name; but
since the Linda model is quite old, not really spread nowadays and
completely far away of the Linked Data topic, personally I can't see a
really big issue here. But of course the Incubator PMC has a deeper
knowledge of such a kind of decisions and its implications, so we'll do
out best to address it during this discussion.
Anyway, we'd prefer to focus the discussion on the proposal itself.
After all, the name is something we can change. But the project is
something important to discuss.
BTW, regarding that, in other to provide some more background about the
proposal, I'd also like to point you the slides we presented one week
ago at ApacheCon Europe: http://slidesha.re/VUQ7ia
Thanks for all your feedback.
On 16.11.2012 19:30, Roy T. Fielding wrote:
I suggest choosing a different name.
We generally don't use names that have been (and continue to be)
used extensively by other software projects.
You're right changing the name can be done later but the name tends to
get embedded both in the system (e.g. URLs, JIRA project) and more
importantly in people knowing about the community.
Renaming for the community is hard and risky - I would say it is easier
to sort it out as part of project initialization if you believe the name
change is likely.
I did a quick search and found 2 "linda"s: Linda Spaces (the blackboard
system that, I guess, is triggering the comments here) and TCP Linda, a
parallel execution environment (which may well be related to the
blackboard linda).
TCP Linda ==>
Linda spaces leads to JavaSpaces so is a known name in the Java world at
least. There is a SourceForge project linda (but looks dormant)
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