Hi Mohammed!

> IMO it would be easier to move into a Git repository, which I will help in
> setting it up. IMO, it will also be helpful for ASF Git support to have
> more projects using Git which will help us understand different needs and
> use cases of different project to provide better Git support by time, by
> better I mean that now it is really good IMO but for sure we can make it
> better :)

agreed! can you update the reference in the proposal, please? TIA!!!

> The thing is we still need to have SVN for content related operations like
> website and so cause it needs to be published using SVN pub-sub. I will
> collect more details about that

thanks a lot! Can we propose the site be published on Git, like we
already did on GitHub in the `gh-pages` branch? WDYT?

All the best,


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