This seems like it might be more at home at apache-extras.

On Thu, Oct 18, 2012 at 9:28 AM, Adam Berry <> wrote:
> Ultimately I would like this project to be the definitive place to go for 
> development tools for Hadoop and related projects. So if there was a drive to 
> support multiple IDEs that would be great and something I would be completely 
> behind.
> The reason I proposed it this way is this seems like a reasonably scoped 
> incubator project that has a clear need in the existing community. I think it 
> would be better to deliver solid Eclipse based tools, than promise tools for 
> all IDEs and end up not able to deliver anything.
> I think a design goal of separating out as much core work for reuse would be 
> sensible even in the initial stages, so that we have an eye on later 
> supporting other tools if the community drives us that way.
> I will update the proposal later on to include that, and additionally some 
> idea of how we could support streaming from within the IDE.
> Great comments though folks, keep 'em coming!
> Cheers,
> Adam
> On Oct 18, 2012, at 10:53 AM, Simone Gianni wrote:
>> I think it's a good idea, I used the old stuff at the time and it is
>> something that is missing.
>> 2012/10/18 Steve Loughran <>
>>> it may be good to have a proposal that is broader than just eclipse; gives
>>> you flexibility in future even if the initial target is the eclipse plugin.
>>> Certainly "Hadoop Development Tools" is pretty broad
>> Steve you are right, but I'm afraid that given how the Eclipse framework
>> requires tight coupling with Eclipse stuff (SWT, workbench system etc..)
>> it's not easy to develop something that can easily be reused on different
>> platforms.
>> However, it could be possible to distribute a stand alone RCP application
>> for those not using Eclipse, and eventually try to implement a "generic
>> Hadoop-UI bridge", as far as possible agnostic of specific Eclipse classes
>> and interfaces, that could eventually be reused for other IDEs.
>> Simone
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