On Mon, Aug 27, 2012 at 7:10 AM, Greg Stein <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Aug 27, 2012 6:15 AM, "Jukka Zitting" <jukka.zitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm jumping in late to this discussion after returning from vacation.
>> To summarize my understanding:
>> * As Joe says, there's no problem with current OpenOffice releases.
> Agreed.
>> * The project is looking for ways to produce "blessed binaries" as a
>> part of future releases, and has been working with the relevant
>> parties (infra, legal, etc.) on the implications.
> I have not seen this, especially in regards to this thread. Argument is
> occurring on this list instead.

You should take a look at infra-dev@ where Infra, AOO members as well
as members of other Apache projects interested in digital signatures,
have been discussing code signing requirements and ways of providing a
code signing capability.

>> * I trust that the project is capable of continuing that work and
>> abiding with whatever conclusion also as after graduation.
> Fair enough, but I do not share that trust. I fear the project claiming
> unique difference, and damaging the Foundation, rather than an
> understanding of how we can solve our mission together. I believe AOO has
> unique characteristics and that the ASF needs to adapt, but I do not
> believe the community cares to properly see through those changes. I see
> self-righteous bullying instead.

I agree that this thread has not been productive.  But you really
should check the discussions on infra-dev@ before making statements on
whether we know how to work with other parts of the ASF.

> The ASF and the people that make us what we are, are not perfect. We don't
> know everything. But we *do* deserve consideration to make things Right.
> AOO is an awesome opportunity or us all, and we should do what we can for
> their success. It must happen with an old, and with a new, community
> working together.

Again, look at the discussions on infra-dev.  Your constructive input
is most welcome on those threads.  Ditto for any one else.


> Cheers,
> -g

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