>-----Original Message-----
>From: simone.trip...@gmail.com [mailto:simone.trip...@gmail.com] On
>Behalf Of Simone Tripodi
>Sent: Friday, July 27, 2012 6:23 AM
>To: general@incubator.apache.org; elecha...@apache.org
>Subject: Re: Fwd: [ANN] Apache Syncope 1.0.0-RC3-incubating released
>Aplogize for joining the discussion late, but
>> Here, I would argue that unless we have some written direction about what
>> release numbering scheme  the incubating should use at The ASF, then
>> whatever a project decides to use is fine.

+1.  Designating a release 'RC' is common enough in industry that I don't think 
we should arbitrarily restrict it just because we refer to releases undergoing 
a VOTE as 'release candidates'.

>nothing to add :)
>On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 11:55 AM, Emmanuel Lécharny <elecha...@gmail.com>
>> I wish the proposal made my Jukka includes this matter.
>> Le 7/27/12 11:32 AM, sebb a écrit :
>>> On 27 July 2012 08:22, Francesco Chicchiriccò <ilgro...@apache.org>
>>>> On 27/07/2012 08:13, Emmanuel Lécharny wrote:
>>>>> Le 7/27/12 1:02 AM, Joe Schaefer a écrit :
>>>>>> I believe Bill is complaining not about the venue,
>>>>>> but the choice of referring to this package as
>>>>>> a "release candidate" instead of simply dropping
>>>>>> the "RC" portion of the package name like other
>>>>>> projects typically do with approved candidates.
>>>>> Ah, ok. Makes sense then.
>>>>> My perception is that the Syncope guys are trying to cut a 1.0.0,
>>>>> instead
>>>>> of going through many 0.x.0 before, therefore they are iterating on RC
>>>>> atm.
>>>> Indeed, yes.
>>>>> It's pretty much semantic, IMHO.
>>> In other ASF projects I've seen, the convention is to use -alpha1 or
>>> -beta2 etc. to designate such stages.
>>> Release Candidate (RC) has a specific meaning in the ASF, as it is
>>> what is voted on before release.
>>> So one would vote on
>>> 1.0.0-beta3-incubating-RCn
>>> and a successful vote would result in the release of
>>> 1.0.0-beta3-incubating
>>> A failed vote for RCn would normally result in trying again with RCn+1
>>> to address the cause of the failure.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>>> Do incubator peeps think it's a wrong approach?
>>>> I hope it's not: anyway, this RC3 should be the last one before actual
>>>> 1.0.0-incubating.
>>>> Regards.
>>>> --
>>>> Francesco Chicchiriccò
>>>> ASF Member, Apache Cocoon PMC and Apache Syncope PPMC Member
>>>> http://people.apache.org/~ilgrosso/
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>> --
>> Regards,
>> Cordialement,
>> Emmanuel Lécharny
>> www.iktek.com
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