Hi All, I've created a 1.0.0-RC3-incubating release, with the following artifacts up for a vote:
SVN source tag (r 1362947): https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/syncope/tags/syncope-1.0.0-RC3-incubating/ Maven staging repo: https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachesyncope-066/ Source release (checksums and signatures are available at the same location): https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachesyncope-066/org/apache/syncope/syncope-root/1.0.0-RC3-incubating/syncope-root-1.0.0-RC3-incubating-source-release.zip Staging site: http://incubator.apache.org/syncope/1.0.0-RC3-incubating/ PGP release keys (signed using B1F055C1): http://www.apache.org/dist/incubator/syncope/KEYS This has been voted through on the syncope-...@incubator.apache.org mailing list [1], and now requires a vote on general@incubator.apache.org Votes already cast (on syncope-dev): +1 (binding) * Francesco Chicchiriccò * Fabio Martelli * Massimiliano Perrone * Marco Di Sabatino * Simone Tripodi * Colm O hEigeartaigh (IPMC member) * Emmanuel Lécharny (IPMC member) +1 (non binding) * Denis Signoretto * Riccardo Costa 0 none -1 none Vote will be open for 72 hours. [ ] +1 approve [ ] +0 no opinion [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why) Best regards. F. [1] http://syncope-dev.1063484.n5.nabble.com/VOTE-Apache-Syncope-1-0-0-RC3-incubating-td5710091.html