[cc-ed to dev@ and changed the subject]

Hello Jukka,

You wrote:
> IP clearance      -> No release:        Openmeetings

The release vote have successfully passed and forwarded to general@
list [1]. What should be our next step? Have we got Incubator PMC
approval? Can we proceed with wider distribution?

[1] http://markmail.org/message/azenwwlcfhnxmysf

With best regards / с наилучшими пожеланиями,
Alexei Fedotov / Алексей Федотов,
+7 916 562 8095

On Sun, Jul 15, 2012 at 7:15 AM, Jukka Zitting <jukka.zitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Jukka Zitting <jukka.zitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> My suggestion is to ask the podlings now in category 2 to report again
>> in May on their progress on the identified blockers. If there's been
>> no measurable progress by then, we'll dig deeper to see what we can
>> do. Podlings reporting in other months can be picked up for a similar
>> oversight cycle over the coming months. By July we should then have a
>> pretty accurate record of progress throughout the entire Incubator,
>> including a clear list of podlings that are stuck and need help.
> Following up on this, here's a quick graph I put together when
> preparing for this month's board report: http://twitpic.com/a7o368
> The graph shows how podlings have moved from one (subjective)
> categorization to another (or to graduation/retirement) between their
> two scheduled reports in the February-July time frame (I'm only
> counting projects that were already past their first three months at
> the Incubator). The edge width is proportional to the number of
> podlings that made that particular "state change". The Graphviz source
> of the graph is included at the end of this message.
> The overall picture looks pretty good. We have strong movement towards
> graduation, and so far no regressions from the "ready to graduate"
> state back to low activity or diversity.
> Here's the list of projects that stayed at the same category from one
> report to the next:
>   IP clearance:      Amber
>   No release:        Any23, Bloodhound, Cordova, JSPWiki
>   Low activity:      Ambari, AWF, EasyAnt, Kitty, Nuvem, PhotArk, Kato
>   Low diversity:     Airavata, Bigtop, Chukwa, Tashi
>   Ready to graduate: Flume, Lucene.NET, NPanday
> The IP clearance issue in Amber seems to be finally resolved ( LEGAL-134).
> The release issues are being resolved, as Any23 has just passed a
> release vote and I've seen good progress towards an Apache release in
> both Cordova and JSPWiki. I don't know the release status in
> Bloodhound.
> The low activity projects remain a problem though there are a few
> projects who've managed to escape that trap. For the rest we need to
> find solutions. Kato was already retired, and AWF and Kitty getting
> there. EasyAnt might go the subproject route, and PhotArk has been
> showing increased activity lately. I don't know what's going on in
> Ambari or Nuvem.
> The low diversity "state" is a bit vague catchall category for
> projects that don't yet feel ready to graduate. I'm not too concerned
> if some projects take a bit longer there as long as they don't regress
> to low activity. Once a project has hit the "low diversity" category,
> chances are quite high that it'll end up graduating.
> The podlings that were "ready to graduate" for more than three months
> are a bit mixed story. Flume already graduated and Lucene.NET is just
> about to, but NPanday looks to be in trouble as activity there seems
> to have plummeted since May for some reason.
> BR,
> Jukka Zitting
> ----
> /*
>   IP clearance      -> IP clearance:      Amber
>   IP clearance      -> No release:        Openmeetings
>   No release        -> No release:        Any23, Bloodhound, Cordova, JSPWiki
>   No release        -> Low diversity:     Mesos
>   No release        -> Ready to graduate: Clerezza, DirectMemory,
> OpenOffice, Stanbol
>   Low activity      -> Low activity:      Ambari, AWF, EasyAnt, Kitty,
> Nuvem, PhotArk, Kato
>   Low activity      -> Retire:            Kalumet, Zeta Components
>   Low activity      -> No release:        Celix, VXQuery
>   Low activity      -> Low diversity:     SIS
>   Low activity      -> Ready to graduate: Wink
>   Low diversity     -> Low activity:      Droids, ODF Toolkit
>   Low diversity     -> Low diversity:     Airavata, Bigtop, Chukwa, Tashi
>   Low diversity     -> No release:        S4, Wave
>   Low diversity     -> Ready to graduate: Etch, HCatalog, Isis, Kafka,
> Oozie, VCL, Wookie
>   Low diversity     -> Graduate:          Hama, MRUnit
>   Ready to graduate -> Ready to graduate: Flume, Lucene.NET, NPanday
>   Ready to graduate -> Graduate:          Accumulo, Jena, ManifoldCF,
> OpenNLP, RAT, Rave, Sqoop
> */
> digraph Incubator {
>   /* { rank = same; "IP clearance"; "no release"; "low activity"; "low
> diversity" } */
>   { rank = same; "graduated"; "retired" }
>   "IP clearance" -> "IP clearance" [penwidth=1];
>   "IP clearance" -> "no release" [penwidth=1];
>   "no release" -> "no release" [penwidth=4];
>   "no release" -> "low diversity" [penwidth=1];
>   "no release" -> "ready to graduate" [penwidth=4];
>   "low activity" -> "low activity" [penwidth=7];
>   "low activity" -> "retired" [penwidth=3];
>   "low activity" -> "no release" [penwidth=2];
>   "low activity" -> "low diversity" [penwidth=1];
>   "low activity" -> "ready to graduate" [penwidth=1];
>   "low diversity" -> "low diversity"  [penwidth=4];
>   "low diversity" -> "low activity"  [penwidth=2];
>   "low diversity" -> "no release" [penwidth=2];
>   "low diversity" -> "ready to graduate" [penwidth=7];
>   "low diversity" -> "graduated" [penwidth=2];
>   "ready to graduate" -> "ready to graduate" [penwidth=3];
>   "ready to graduate" -> "graduated" [penwidth=7];
> }
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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