
I would like to propose Blur to be an Apache Incubator project.  Blur
is a distributed search platform built for low latency searches over
large amounts of data.  Blur is scalable and fault tolerant through
the use of Hadoop and ZooKeeper.  Thrift is used as the RPC library
and the underlying search implementation uses Lucene and the Lucene
query syntax.

The proposal can be found here:

I have included the contexts of the proposal below.


= Blur Proposal =

== Abstract ==
Blur is a search platform capable of searching massive amounts of data
in a cloud computing environment. Blur leverages several existing
Apache projects, including Apache Lucene, Apache Hadoop, Apache
!ZooKeeper and Apache Thrift.  Both bulk and near real time (NRT)
updates are possible with Blur.  Bulk updates are accomplished using
Hadoop Map/Reduce and NRT are performed through direct Thrift calls.

== Proposal ==
Blur is an open source search platform capable of querying massive
amounts of data at incredible speeds. Rather than using the flat,
document-like data model used by most search solutions, Blur allows
you to build rich data models and search them in a semi-relational
manner similar to joins while querying a relational database. Using
Blur, you can get precise search results against terabytes of data at
Google-like speeds.  Blur leverages multiple open source projects
including Hadoop, Lucene, Thrift and !ZooKeeper to create an
environment where structured data can be transformed into an index
that runs on a Hadoop cluster.  Blur uses the power of Map/Reduce for
bulk indexing into Blur.  Server failures are handled automatically by
using !ZooKeeper for cluster state and HDFS for index storage.

== Background ==
Blur was created by Aaron !McCurry in 2010. Blur was developed to
solve the challenges in dealing with searching huge quantities of data
that the traditional RDBMS solutions could not cope with while still
providing JOIN-like capabilities to query the data.  Several other
open source projects have implemented aspects of this design including
elasticsearch, Katta and Apache Solr.

== Rationale ==
There is a need for a distributed search capability within the Hadoop
ecosystem. Currently, there are no other search solutions that
natively leverage HDFS and the failover features of Hadoop in the same
manner as the Blur project. The communities we expect to be most
interested in such a project are government, health care, and other
industries where scalability is a concern. We have made much progress
in developing this project over the past 2 years and believe both the
project and the interested communities would benefit from this work
being openly available and having open development.  In future
versions of Blur the API will more closely follow the API’s provided
in Lucene so that systems that already use Lucene can more easily
scale with Blur. Blur can be viewed as a query execution engine that
Lucene based solutions can utilize when scale becomes an issue.

== Initial Goals ==
The initial goals of the project are:
 * To migrate the Blur codebase, issue tracking and wiki from
github.com and integrate the project with the ASF infrastructure.
 * Add new committers to the project and grow the community in "The Apache Way".

== Current Status ==

=== Meritocracy ===
Blur was initially developed by Aaron !McCurry in June 2010.  Since
then Blur has continued to evolve with the support of a small
development team at Near Infinity.  As a part of the Apache Software
Foundation, the Apache Blur team intends to strongly encourage the
community to help with and contribute to the project.  Apache Blur
will actively seek potential committers and help them become familiar
with the codebase.

=== Community ===
A small community has developed around Blur and several project teams
are currently using Blur for their big data search capability. The
source code is currently available on GitHub and there is a dedicated
website (blur.io) that provides an overview of the project. Blur has
been shared with several members of the Apache community and has been
presented at the Bay Area HUG (see

=== Core Developers ===
The current developers are employed by Near Infinity Corporation, but
we anticipate interest developing among other companies.

=== Alignment ===
Blur is built on top of a number of Apache projects; Hadoop, Lucene,
!ZooKeeper, and Thrift. It builds with Maven.  During the course of
Blur development, a couple of patches have been committed back to the
Lucene project, including LUCENE-2205 and LUCENE-2215.  Due to the
strong relationship with the before mentioned Apache projects, the
incubator is a good match for Blur.

== Known Risks ==

=== Orphaned Products ===
There is only a small risk of being orphaned. The customers that
currently use Blur are committed to improving the codebase of the
project due to its fulfilling needs not addressed by any other
software. In addition, one customer is providing financial support to
further develop Blur given its importance on mission-critical

=== Inexperience with Open Source ===
The codebase has been treated internally as an open source project
since its beginning, and Near Infinity has extensive experience
developing and releasing open source projects
(http://www.nearinfinity.com/products/open_source). We do not
anticipate difficulty in operating under the Apache Way.

=== Homogeneous Developers ===
Current developers are all employed by Near Infinity but we are
actively seeking contributors from different companies and would
welcome their participation.

=== Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
Blur was originally created by Aaron !McCurry as a personal project
and he remains the primary contributor.  Currently, Aaron’s employer
(Near Infinity) fully supports his continued participation with paid,
dedicated time to work on Blur. All other current developers are paid
by Near Infinity to work on Blur as well.

=== Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
Blur dependencies:

 * Apache Hadoop
 * Apache Lucene
 * Apache !ZooKeeper
 * Apache Thrift
 * Apache log4j

=== Apache Brand ===
Our interest in releasing this code as an Apache project is due to its
strong relationship with other Apache projects, i.e. Blur has
dependencies on Hadoop, Lucene, !ZooKeeper, and Thrift and its
uniqueness within the Hadoop ecosystem.

== Documentation ==
Current documentation can be found at http://blur.io and

== Initial Source ==
Blur has been in development since summer 2010. The core codebase
consists of about ~29,000 (~10,000 if the generated RPC code is not
included) lines of code mainly Java.

== Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
Blur core code, examples, documentation, and training materials will
be submitted by Near Infinity Corporation.

== External Dependencies ==
 * concurrentlinkedhashmap - Apache 2.0 License -

== Cryptography ==

== Required Resources ==
 * Mailing Lists
   * blur-private
   * blur-dev
   * blur-commits
   * blur-user
 * Subversion Directory
   * https://git-wip-us.apache.org/repos/asf/blur.git
 * Issue Tracking
   * JIRA
 * Continuous Integration
   * Jenkins
 * Web
   * http://incubator.apache.org/blur/wiki at http://wiki.apache.org
or http://cwiki.apache.org

== Initial Committers ==
 * Aaron !McCurry (aaron.mccurry at nearinfinity dot com)
 * Scott Leberknight (scott.leberknight at nearinfinity dot com)
 * Ryan Gimmy (ryan.gimmy at nearinfinity dot com)
 * Tim Williams (twilliams at apache dot org)
 * Patrick Hunt (phunt at apache dot org)
 * Doug Cutting (cutting at apache dot org)

== Affiliations ==
 * Aaron !McCurry, Near Infinity
 * Scott Leberknight, Near Infinity
 * Ryan Gimmy, Near Infinity
 * Patrick Hunt, Cloudera
 * Doug Cutting, Cloudera

== Sponsors ==
 * Champion: Patrick Hunt

== Nominated Mentors ==
 * Tim Williams  (twilliams at apache dot org)
 * Doug Cutting (cutting at apache dot org)
 * Patrick Hunt (phunt at apache dot org)

== Sponsoring Entity ==
 * Apache Incubator

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