
On Fri, May 4, 2012 at 11:00 PM, Roman Shaposhnik <r...@apache.org> wrote:
> Perhaps this preso can help a bit:
>    http://people.apache.org/~rvs/apache-bigtop2.pdf

Perfect, thanks!

>> * If the former, then each subdirectory of [1] falls fairly
>> conveniently into the traditional concept of convenience binaries
>> built from the source release. The only extra thing you'd need is a
>> proper set of license metadata and signatures for the binaries.
> This is, in fact, the process we've been following with our convenience
> artifacts for as long as we've had releases. We're signing every single
> binary and are pretty pedantic about providing LICENSE and NOTICE files.

Sounds good.

I'm just wondering about where do I find for example the licensing
metadata for example for the files in

Or am I just missing something obvious? Like that you're using RPM
conventions for those bits, similar to how binary jars typically have
their licensing metadata in META-INF/{LICENSE,NOTICE}.


Jukka Zitting

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