Yes, this was already raised on the PPMC (on March 22) as you know.  It seems 
to me that the PPMC is not concerned.

It is interesting that it is thought, here, that the remedy is to add more 
ooo-security subscribers from the PPMC.  That had not come up before.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Ross Gardler [] 
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2012 12:41
Subject: Re: Extraordinary OpenOffice security patch (Was: [Incubator Wiki] 
Update of "April2012" by robweir)

On 12 April 2012 17:32, Dennis E. Hamilton <> wrote:
> I don't think the problem is with the size of the ooo-security list 
> membership.  I think it is in the assumption that the [P]PMC has somehow 
> delegated the ability to make a release of any kind to the ooo-security team. 
>  I don't mean slip-streaming fixes and working off the public SVN until that 
> happens.  I mean developing and deploying all the rest of what accompanies an 
> advisory along with provision of a mitigation.

Whether this is the case or not should be discussed on the ooo-dev
lists rather than the IPMC general list. This is not an IPMC issue.
All IPMC members are free to join that list or read its archives if
they so desire.


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