On 26 March 2012 02:38, Shinichiro Abe <shinichiro.ab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Incubator IPMC,
> Please vote on whether or not to release ManifoldCF 0.5-incubating, RC0.
> This RC has passed our podling vote and awaits your inspection.
> You can find the artifact at
> http://people.apache.org/~shinichiro/apache-manifoldcf-0.5-incubating-RC0/, or
> in svn at 
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/lcf/tags/release-0.5-incubating-RC0/.

The NOTICE file says:
Apache ManifoldCF
Copyright 2010-2011 The Apache Software Foundation

The LICENSE file includes references to lots of jars that are dual
licensed under CDDL v1.0 and GPL v2.
However, there is no indication which license has been chosen by the project.

I think this is a blocker.

> Thanks in advance!
> Shinichiro Abe
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