On 3/1/2012 9:08 PM, Greg Stein wrote:
> Why don't you stop with your passive-aggressive bullshit, and read the
> thread over on legal-discuss where we talked about fixing the "short
> form" IP Clearance process. The IP policies have not changed, but they
> *should*, along the lines Roy suggests in that thread.

Greg; Roy just stated, it's not applicable and invalid.

Ergo the project will ignore this "process" until either 1. the Legal
Committee or 2. the ASF President inform the HTTP project of specific
external steps that it must follow with respect to IP intake offered by
committers (and as proxy for their employers).

Incubator isn't actually given any jurisdiction over projects.  Legal
committee is... and Roy states that Legal cleared HTTP from following
this (quoting) BULLSHIT process in respect to committer contributions.

I am getting incredibly frustrated with the fact that three founders and
current board members have no common institutional memory.  You three
probably should just hang up the hats already if you can't agree for even
a single day on a recollection any particular precedent. I might be passive
aggressive some days, but I'm not a psychopathic schizophrenic as the three
headed RoyGregJim beast is.

In the meantime, there is a project to run.  Roy acting as a former
officer has informed Eric, the current chair, and myself, a former chair,
of specific internal and official communication with the legal committee
that this process is not applicable to contributions from committers, and
we will respect Roy's recollection as former Chair until we hear otherwise
from an officer (not a schizo Director) of the foundation.

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