On 31 January 2012 18:15, Jakob Homan <jgho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Instead, since you are including dep1 and dep2 inside
>>giraph-bin.tar.gz, they should be covered by the NOTICE/LICENSE pair
>> of the tarball.
> This is the case for Giraph (and Kafka and other projects that bring
> in transitive dependencies into the tar.gz via maven), so the
> jackrabbit approach won't work.  Which puts me back at my original
> question: how to include N&L for the binary distribution without
> having to re-create it on the release branch each time.  I'll take a
> look at Whisker, but for now it seems like one just needs to have a
> release-specific N&L for the binary artifact?

Just include the binary N&L files somewhere other than the top level
in SVN, and copy them to the top-level in the binary artifacts.
Perhaps use names like NOTICE_binary/LICENSE_binary to make it obvious.

> -jg
> On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 6:05 AM, sebb <seb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 31 January 2012 11:07, Jukka Zitting <jukka.zitt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 2:49 AM, Jakob Homan <jgho...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>  Great, thanks.  Using this method, I get a file layout similar to:
>>>>  giraph-0.1-SNAPSHOT-bin.tar.gz
>>>>      NOTICE (without appended text for dep1 and dep2)
>>>>      LICENSE (without appended text for dep1 and dep2)
>>>>      bin/
>>>>      lib/
>>>>         dep1.jar
>>>>         dep2.jar
>>>>         giraph.jar
>>>>            META-INF/
>>>>               NOTICE (with appended text for dep1 and dep2)
>>>>               LICENSE (with appended text for dep1 and dep2)
>>>> This matches with what I see when I checkout the jackrabbit-standalone
>>>> code and do a package command from maven there.  I just want to verify
>>>> that this will past muster with incubator.  This configuration
>>>> satisfies the requirement for those notices/licenses to be included?
>>> The general idea is that the NOTICE/LICENSE pair of an artifact should
>>> cover all the bits included inside that artifact.
>> Also the idea is that the N&L (and Disclaimer, Readme if any) are at
>> the top-level of the artifact.
>> The only exception to this is that N&L files are added to a jar
>> META-INF directory instead (as that is the convention for jars) .
>> Having the files in a standard place is intended to make it easy for
>> the consumer to find the files.
>> The N&L files are important for the consumer; they should not have to
>> go looking for them.
>>> If giraph.jar doesn't embed dep1 and dep2, then there's no need to
>>> mention them in the NOTICE/LICENSE pair of that jar.
>>> Instead, since you are including dep1 and dep2 inside
>>> giraph-bin.tar.gz, they should be covered by the NOTICE/LICENSE pair
>>> of the tarball.
>>> If you look inside the jackrabbit-standalone jar, you'll notice that
>>> it actually contains all the external components mentioned in the
>>> BR,
>>> Jukka Zitting
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