On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 9:52 PM, Doug Cutting <cutt...@apache.org> wrote:
> On 01/30/2012 05:12 PM, Greg Stein wrote:
>> I've never liked vetoes for this. One person can hold an entire PMC hostage
>> simply for disliking someone (or worse: subtle corporate concerns masked
>> otherwise). People have said in the past, "you should have veto so you're
>> not forced to work with somebody you dislike." I respond, "grow up. we work
>> with annoying people all the time, and the majority says they *can* work
> When this question came up in another context, Roy's concern, as I
> recall it, was something to the effect that if you don't allow vetoes of
> proposed PMC members then you might create a dysfunctional PMC.

Interesting. Reading this I think "joining a pmc on request" is not
good and adding people to a pmc just they can have binding votes is
not good aswell.

> (Roy,
> please correct me if I miss-recall.)  A PMC needs to regularly reach
> consensus.  If person X has technical ideas that are incompatible with
> person Y then perhaps they should not be on the same PMC.  At least
> that's the way I recall Roy's argument...

> Also note that if you get to the point where one person is vetoing a PMC
> addition then the rest of the PMC could vote to remove that one person.
>  A veto is effectively asking the PMC to choose between you and the new
> person, a strident move.
> A less confrontational approach is to have a discussion before any vote,
> where folks can air their concerns.  If folks voice significant concerns
> then it might not be wise to hold a vote.
> Finally I'll observe that if supermajority would result in a different
> result than consensus then the PMC probably has serious problems
> collaborating that need to be fixed.

> Doug
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