Roy T. Fielding wrote:

> Noel J. Bergman wrote:
> > The ASF is not about code; it is about community.  If a community forks,
or otherwise emerges around a codebase, we are not accepting the CODE: we
are accepting the COMMUNITY.

> One company is not a community.

As you've otherwise acknowledged, I was talking in the general case, and
you're addressing a specific instance.

> > And it seems to me that if we are to say that a COMMUNITZY is not
> > to participate despite use of code that is perfectly proper according to
> > license, then we are beggaring out own license, the whole point of which
> > to permit forks, and to prevent a sole copyright holder from assuming
> > over the community.

> If there is no community for the original codebase, yes.


> If there is a community and that community doesn't want Apache to fork the
code that they created,
> then we will not fork that code at Apache.

Why not, *IF* there is an active second community that wants to fork?
Again, in the hypothetical, not in the specific, case, which you say is a
single vendor, not a community.

> If the original developers of the code do not want their license changed,
then we
> will not fork the code at Apache.

I kind of take that as a given, since how could we fork it if we can't
relicense it?

> We only accept voluntary contributions

The presence of a community that wants to work here implies voluntary, and
not everyone has to agree with the fork.  Don't you remember the origins of
Apache Felix?

        --- Noel

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