+1 (binding)

Mike McCandless


On Tue, Dec 27, 2011 at 4:51 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz
<bdelacre...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Incubator PMC members (*),
> I've just reviewed the "[PROPOSAL] Flex for Apache Incubator" thread
> and I think all relevant issues have been adressed now.
> I have added Anne and Dave Fisher as mentors, pending their final
> approval as Incubator PMC members. In the unlikely worst case that
> this approval doesn't happen the project has two confirmed mentors to
> start with anyway.
> Let's cast your votes to accept Flex as an incubating project,
> proposal is at http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/FlexProposal, copied
> below as well:
> [ ] +1 approve Flex as an incubating project.
> [ ] -1 reject (explaining why)
> [ ] +/- 0 don't care.
> This majority vote is open for 72 hours.
> Here's my +1.
> -Bertrand
> (*) although only votes from Incubator PMC members are binding,
> anybody is welcome to cast a vote
> ** Flex proposal copy ***
> = Apache Flex Proposal =
> == Abstract ==
> Apache Flex is an application framework for easily building
> Flash-based applications for mobile devices, the browser and desktop.
> == Proposal ==
> Apache Flex allows developers to target a variety of platforms,
> initially Apple iOS, Google Android, RIM !BlackBerry, Microsoft
> Windows, and Mac OS X with a single codebase. Flex provides a
> compiler, skinnable user-interface components and managers to handle
> styling, skinning, layout, localization, animation, module-loading and
> user interaction management.
> == Background ==
> Apache Flex is the software evolution of the popular Adobe Flex SDK project.
> Adobe Flex SDK evolved from the need to provide developers with an
> easy programming model for creating rich Internet applications that
> can run in the browser, on the desktop or on mobile devices.
> Adobe Flex SDK has always focused on a single goal: to provide
> application developers with all of the constructs needed to boost
> their productivity while building large-scale, visually expressive
> applications. This meant that Flex provided all the traditional UI
> components in a way that designers and developers could interact with
> them along with a dynamic scripting language, !ActionScript, and a
> declarative markup language, MXML.
> Adobe will donate the Flex trademark to the Apache Software Foundation
> as part of the incubation process. The source code, documentation and
> related assets will all be contributed to the Apache Foundation as
> Flex.
> == Rationale ==
> Content developers need to target multiple screens and the cost of
> creating applications native to every target platform is high.
> Additionally, the dominant window to the web is quickly becoming
> devices, mostly phones, and delivering consistent experiences is key.
> The Apache Flex project exists to bring the focus back to a consistent
> development model, one where a single application can run the exact
> same way across the web, desktop and mobile devices.
> == Initial Goals ==
>  * Donate all Adobe Flex SDK source code and documentation to the
> Apache Software Foundation.
>  * Setup and standardize the open governance of the Apache Flex project.
>  * Rename all assets from Adobe Flex SDK to Apache Flex in project
> source code, docs, tests and related infrastructure.
> == Current Status ==
> Flex is a mature software project. 1.0 was shipped in March of 2004
> with 7 major releases having shipped since. The most recent release
> was the 4.6 version which shipped on November 29th, 2011.
> This proposal is currently being
> [[http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-general/201112.mbox/%3CCB14DCA2.3885F%25aharui%40adobe.com%3E|discussed]]
> on the incubator general mailing list, once that's done we'll ask the
> Incubator PMC to vote to accept it.
> == Meritocracy ==
> The Adobe Flex source code is available to the community on the Adobe
> opensource site:
> http://opensource.adobe.com/wiki/display/flexsdk/Flex+SDK.  Currently,
> while the community has been invited to contribute patches to the
> codebase, only Adobe employees decided on which patches to commit.
> There were no external committers and this caused frustration in the
> community.
> Going forward, both Adobe and our community are eager to become one
> single merit-based community working together.  To that end, Adobe
> employes only have a minority representation on the initial committers
> list.  Adobe is working to educate our community with meetings and
> blog posts on how the Apache model makes this possible for them.
> We have made it clear to our community that going forward, the
> community, rather than Adobe, will determine the future of Flex.
> == Community ==
> The community surrounding Flex is vast, diverse, distributed globally,
> and with all levels of proficiency in software development. The common
> thread of application development binds all Flex developers together.
> It is estimated that there is between 350,000 and 500,000 Flex
> developers worldwide. Precise numbers are impossible for us to know
> due to the open nature of Flex. A blog post calling for initial
> committers received over 60 responses in two days.   The !FlexCoders
> mailing list, a general-purpose mailing list for anyone working with
> Flex, has over 9000 members.  A quick look on the Adobe Forums or
> Twitter’s #!AdobeFlex hashtag usually shows activity within minutes.
> The community is engaged and active daily and incredibly excited by
> Adobe’s move to contribute Adobe Flex SDK to Apache. The community is
> responsive, inclusive and honestly emphatic when it comes to bettering
> Flex for application development.
> == Alignment ==
> The only way the Apache Flex project can work is if it is an open,
> transparent and collaborative effort. The project has now grown in
> mind-share and community enough that we believe it is time we work
> with a foundation to see the code mature in a fashion consistent with
> our values.
> == Known Risks ==
> Moving from a corporate-led project to the Apache model of
> collaboration is a challenge, and Adobe is committed to help making
> the transition as smooth as possible, by delegating employees to work
> on the new project. We would like to see more free collaboration from
> the community but with the same principles that has kept Flex with the
> high-quality design and ease-of-use it has maintained under Adobe’s
> governing hand.
> == Documentation ==
> We will, over time, be moving all of the documentation, including
> localized versions, from Adobe
> (http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/documentation.html) to the Apache
> Software Foundation.
> == Initial Source ==
> All code related to the Apache Flex project can be found on SVN here:
> http://opensource.adobe.com/svn/opensource/flex/sdk/branches/4.y/
> == Source and IP Submission Plan ==
>  * All canonical source will be moved to Apache infrastructure under
> the name Flex.
>  * Documentation and specifications will be moved completely over to
> the Apache systems.
>  * The existing Flash Builder trademark will be used as a commercial entity.
>  * Existing Flex-related conferences, podcasts and websites should be
> allowed to continue using “Flex” as part of their name, however such
> use will have to conform to existing Apache trademark policies listed
> at http://www.apache.org/foundation/marks/ . Apache Flex will need to
> create guidelines and provide guidance for that.
> == External Dependencies ==
> Some parts of Flex development rely on third-party libraries.  The
> complete list is still being determined but some are:
>  * Adobe AIR SDK
>  * Adobe Flash Player SDK
>  * Adobe Text Layout Framework (TLF)
>  * Adobe Open Source Media Framework (OSMF)
>  * Adobe Font Engine (AFE)
> Licensing of these dependencies will have to be checked, and possibly
> adapted, to allow their use in Apache Flex.
> == Required Resources ==
> Mailing Lists
>  * flex-dev
>  * flex-commits
>  * flex-private
> Subversion Directory
>  * http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/flex
> Issue Tracking:
>  * FLEX project in JIRA.
> Wiki will be requested as needed.
> == Initial Committers ==
>  * Alex Harui (aharui at adobe dot com)
>  * Carol Frampton (cframpto at adobe dot com)
>  * Adam Flater (adamflater at gmail dot com)
>  * Anatole Tartakovsky (atartakovsky at faratasystems dot com)
>  * Ben Kolin (bkolin at vmware dot com)
>  * Chuck Mastrandrea (chuck.mastrandrea at sas dot com)
>  * Douglas Arthur (darthur at vmware dot com)
>  * Espen Skogen (espen.skogen at jpmorgan dot com)
>  * Gabor Csomak (csomakk at gmail dot com)
>  * Garth Braithwaite (garthdb at adobe dot com)
>  * Greg Owen (Greg.Owen at effectiveui dot com)
>  * Igor Costa (igorcosta at gmail dot com)
>  * Iwo Banas (banas.iwo at gmail dot com)
>  * Jeff Boothe (jeff.boothe. at reurgency dot com)
>  * Jeff Tapper (jeff at spoon.as)
>  * Jeffry Houser (jeffry at dot-com-it dot com)
>  * Jeremy Tellier (jtellier at Actieve dot com)
>  * Jon Rose (jon.rose at gorillajawn dot com)
>  * Jonathon Campos (jonbcampos at gmail dot com)
>  * Jun Heider (jun at realeyes dot com)
>  * Kevin Korngut (kevin at spoon.as)
>  * Leif Wells (leif.wells at gmail dot com)
>  * Michael Jordan (mijordan at adobe dot com)
>  * Michael Labriola (labriola at digitalprimates dot net)
>  * Michael Schmalle (mike at teotigraphix dot com)
>  * Michelle Yaiser (myaiser at adobe dot com)
>  * Nicholas Kwaitkowski (nicholas at spoon.as)
>  * Omar Gonzalez (omarg.developer at gmail dot com)
>  * Peter Elst (peter.elst at gmail dot com)
>  * Pratyoosh Sharma (pratyoosh.sharma at jpmorgan dot com)
>  * Rui Silva (rui.silva at alert-online dot com)
>  * Ryan Frishberg (Ryan.Frishberg at ubs dot com)
>  * Scott Delamater (sdelamater at shutterfly dot com)
>  * Sebastian Mohr (masuland at gmail dot com)
>  * Stephen Downs (stephen.downs at tink dot ws)
>  * Stephen Gilson (smgilson at adobe dot com)
> == Sponsors ==
> Champion
>  * Bertrand Delacretaz
> Nominated Mentors
>  * Bertrand Delacretaz (bdelacretaz at a.o)
>  * Greg Reddin (greddin at a.o)
>  * Anne Kathrine Petteroe (akpetteroe at a.o - pending final Incubator
> PMC membership approval)
>  * Dave Fisher (wave at a.o - pending final Incubator PMC membership approval)
> == Sponsoring Entity ==
>  * Apache Incubator
> *** Flex proposal copy ends ***
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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