Hi Bertrand,

If there are some experienced Mentors added and I am elected to the Incubator 
PMC, I would be willing to be a "Junior" Mentor.

I've been on the Apache POI PMC for a few years - a small group with a widely 
used library, and for the past 6 months I've been active on the OpenOffice 
podling PPMC and all the fun that has entailed.

I'm very interested in Flex as a platform especially now that it is at the ASF.

Dave Fisher (w...@apache.org)

On Dec 21, 2011, at 2:27 AM, Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

> Hi Incubator PMC and ASF members,
> In case you missed my earlier call: we are still looking for mentors
> for http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/FlexProposal
> Given the size of the codebase and the large list of initial
> committers, it would be good to have at least one or two additional
> experienced mentors.
> It's also a good opportunity for ASF members (or committers - but
> those need to be voted in as Incubator PMC members first) who haven't
> been mentors yet to join as "junior" mentors and help while learning
> the ropes.
> -Bertrand (Flex champion and mentor)
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