On 2 December 2011 13:11, Tim Williams <william...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Marvin says... "supply board reports 2 weeks before the above date
> (Wed, Dec 7th)."

That's Incubator Marvin, who requires podlings to provide an extra week's notice

> The December report[1] says... "reports are due here by the first day
> of the month"

Not sure about that discrepancy.

> And the reporting schedule[2] says... "should have their reports ready
> by no later than the second Wednesday of that month" (Wed, Dec 14th in
> this case).

The link is missing, but I assume that's Board Marvin who e-mails PMCs.

> I reckon the board's recent decision of 1 week notice has caused some
> docs to be out of sync and I've probably missed the discussion.  What
> is the correct due date?

AIUI, one week for TLPs including the Incubator to report to the Board.

2 weeks for podlings, to give the Incubator PMC time to review and
request updates if necessary.

> Thanks,
> --tim
> [1] -  http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/December2011
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