On 15 November 2011 11:57, Jörn Kottmann <kottm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 11/15/11 3:20 AM, sebb wrote:
>> On 15 November 2011 02:12, Benson Margulies<bimargul...@gmail.com>  wrote:
>>> That page is very misleading, and there was a long discussion of this
>>> topic elsewhere.
>>> Look at the example just above the requirement:
>>> "The Apache Xerces XML parsing library is easily configurable and
>>> compliant with current standards"
>>> Yes, in some sense, Xerces is an adjective there, but really what the
>>> senator is trying to say is to construct a particular noun phrase.
>> AIUI, trademarks need to be used as if they are adjectives.
>> For example:
>> The Hoover vacuum cleaner is versatile
>> NOT
>> The Hoover is a versatile vacuum cleaner
> We will change our one sentence description to this:
> "The Apache OpenNLP library is a machine learning based toolkit for the
> processing of natural language text."
> What do you think?

That seems fine; also please needs to be changed whereever else it is
used, e.g. podlings.xml, web-page(s), Wiki reports...

> Anything else in the RC 5 which should be fixed? We will soon prepare
> our next release candidate, vote on our development list and will hopefully
> be back
> with a new release vote here next week.

As already noted, DISCLAIMER is missing.

Just noticed that the top-level NOTICE says

Apache OpenNLP

which is fine, but some of the META-INF/NOTICE files omit "Apache", for example:

OpenNLP Tools

That's wrong.
There's also a leading blank line which should be removed.

> Thanks,
> Jörn
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