On Tue, Nov 1, 2011 at 8:53 AM, Robert Burrell Donkin
<robertburrelldon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 31, 2011 at 12:55 AM, David Crossley <cross...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Kalle Korhonen wrote:
>>> Robert Burrell Donkin
>>> > <robertburrelldon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >> I agree that using "kill search" is probably a bad idea.

>> "Suitable Names Search"
> Works for me (if anyone has anything better, please jump in)


Lazy consensus for "Suitable Names Search"

>> In the last few days i have also been investigating
>> our Guidelines documentation. There does not seem to
>> be much assistance for this task. I have commenced
>> some additions.
> Great :-)
> IMHO the task documentation needs relocating from the status template.
> I've been wondering about the best approach for a while...
> The legal side makes writing assistance tricky. (Publishing anything
> which a court might later take to be advice would not be wise.) One
> motivation in moving this task to JIRA is that then podlings could
> learn inductively without the need for high quality general
> documentation on trademark searches. (IMHO if the Incubator needs this
> then we should approach the board to engage legal resources to produce
> it for us.)

Unless anyone jumps in soon, I'll set up a "Suitable Names Search"
JIRA project and break out some documentation into a new guide...


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