+1 (non binding)

On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 8:50 AM, Francis De Brabandere

> +1 (non-binding)
> On Tue, Nov 8, 2011 at 7:53 AM, Andrus Adamchik <and...@objectstyle.org>
> wrote:
> > Opemeetings proposal has been discussed a few times here before. The
> group of developers behind it worked hard (and succeeded) to address all
> potential obstacles to the Incubator acceptance and to the following
> incubation. They even went an extra mile and collected all ICLAs in
> adbvance.
> >
> > So now I am starting the vote to accept Openmeetings to Apache Incubator.
> >
> > The proposal is also available at:
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/OpenmeetingsProposal
> >
> > Please cast your votes:
> >
> > [ ] +1 Accept Openmeetings for incubation
> > [ ] +0 Don't care
> > [ ] -1 Reject for the following reason:
> >
> > The vote is open for 72 hours.
> >
> > Andrus
> >
> > ---------------
> > Andrus Adamchik
> > Apache Cayenne ORM: http://cayenne.apache.org/
> > Twitter: http://twitter.com/andrus_a
> >
> >
> >
> > -------
> >
> > == OpenMeetings Project Proposal ==
> >
> > == Abstract ==
> > Openmeetings is a web conferencing solution.
> >
> > == Proposal ==
> > Openmeetings provides video conferencing, instant messaging, white
> board, collaborative document editing and other groupware tools using API
> functions of the Red5 Streaming Server for Remoting and Streaming.
> >
> > == Background ==
> > Openmeetings was developed since 2007 by Sebastian Wagner and willing
> developers. The project ships a release approximately once per quarter. It
> was developed using LGPL license, and developers are currently thinking of
> re-licensing it under Apache License 2.0.
> >
> > The project started as module by Sebastian Wagner for an ELearning
> platform (Dokeos) and was then split into a separated project. That is the
> reason why there is a strong relation to educational institutions that are
> using OpenMeetings and there are integrations for platforms like Moodle,
> ATutor, Sakai, STudIP or ILias available (
> http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/MoodlePlugins). The relation
> to educational institutions also subsequently lead to some projects funded
> by the EU where OpenMeetings was involved, for example by the
> Swedish/Finnish Centre of Open-Source !OpenKarken (Case-Study about the EU
> project at OSOR.eu:
> http://www.osor.eu/studies/finland-and-sweden-collaborate-using-oss )
> >
> > The integration and internationalization of the project was a primary
> focus right from the start of the project. Since Version 0.5 there is a
> Language-Editor (http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/LanguageEditor)
> to edit labels, export and import them as XML and you can use those XML
> files for future installations (or contribute it to the community). There
> are currently around 30 languages available.  Since version 0.5.1 there is
> also a SOAP API to integrate !OpenMeetings. We constantly improve this
> SOAP/REST API (http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/SoapMethods)
> with new functionality with a strong focus on security and usability. The
> auth-mechnism is quite similar to OAuth, you create some token and then
> assign rights to the token. (Documentation for Single Sign On:
> http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/DirectLoginSoapGeneralFlow)
> >
> > The project name "!OpenMeetings" and logos are inspired by Ludovic Gasc
> who has been the project manager at Dokeos at the time Sebastian split
> !OpenMeetings as separated project.
> >
> > Red5 Server provides an "Edge-Orion-Clustering" (
> http://trac.red5.org/wiki/Documentation/Tutorials/EdgeOriginClusteringConfiguration).
>  We hope to extend this clustering solution with support for rtmpt and
>  rtmps and integrate that into our application as native clustering  option.
> >
> > == Rationale ==
> > Last year most major vendors started commercial web conferencing
> solutions. This is an important part of software ecosystem, and there is an
> urge to consolidate open source development efforts in this direction.
> >
> > According to several studies demand for synchronous Communication, in
> opposite to asynchronous Communication like wiki's or email, will raise the
> upcoming years. For example Gartner promises that 2011 the market will grow
> 20% according to their "Magic Quadrant" report 2010 (
> http://www.gartner.com/DisplayDocument?doc_cd=205941 ).
> >
> > Openmeetings is a unique solution in terms of patent purity and
> potentially can grow into solution built on top of the fully open source
> stack. That is why it is a good candidate for consolidating web
> conferencing community efforts.
> >
> > == Initial Goals ==
> > Each of project committers has their own set of goals, but we all share
> the following.
> >
> >  * Move to Apache.
> >  * Become popular.
> >
> > To become popular we plan to do the following.
> >
> >  * Improve ecosystem around the project.
> >  * Improve release process.
> >  * Improve project testing and stability.
> >  * Apply modular architecture/SOA for better integration with other
> projects.
> >
> > == Current Status ==
> > We have agreed on applying for the Apache Foundation and preparing our
> proposal for the vote.
> >
> > Technical status of the project is: Current stable tree is 1.8.x, Trunk
> is 1.9.
> >
> > === Meritocracy ===
> > Developers community is successfully driven by consensus now. If there
> are more developers on board, consensus may turn into meritocracy.
> >
> > === Community ===
> > The developer community is active. The mailing list is active with
> dozens of messages every day, mostly user support topics.
> >
> > Currently the User Mailing list has over 1000 members, the dev-list has
> around 250.
> >
> > === Core Developers ===
> > Sebastian has started the application 07/2006. Current development team
> counts 21 programmers from Germany, Russia, China, India and South America.
> >
> > === Alignment ===
> > The project provides a safe ground for Apache for entering a complex
> field of video streaming. It avoids complex patenting issues by using
> proprietary Adobe Flash. From the other side it may grow into independent
> solution because it uses OpenLaszlo RIA framework rather than a particular
> proprietary vendor language, and after framework evolves can use other
> frontend representations such as javascript.
> >
> > == Known Risks ==
> > === Orphaned Projects ===
> > Openmeetings project has developed a sufficient functionality to be a
> popular solution for a small businesses. The number of site visits of the
> googlecode project website increased to 50.000 in October 2011 which is a
> good sign of people interest. The overall statistics for the last 4 years
> shows around 4 mio pageviews (google-analytics graphic:
> http://wagner-sebastian.com/_log/website.png).  We believe that visitors
> convert to users, and users convert to developers in some standard rate.
> >
> > === Inexperience With Open Source ===
> > Two committers have GSoC experience. One committer is an Apache
> committer. The project exists since 07/2008 already as an open source
> project hosted at !GoogleCode http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings
> >
> > === Reliance On Salaried Developers ===
> > Some contributors get paid from Openmeetings-based consultancy.
> >
> > === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> > Web application part of Openmeetings runs under Apache Tomcat. It uses
> Apache Commons and Apache Velocity. Red5 server uses a lot of Apache
> components, including Apache Mina. !OpenMeetings itself uses Apache Axis2
> for the SOAP / REST API. !OpenMeetings was reworked to use Apache OpenJPA
> instead of Hibernate. Since revision 4000 (version 1.8) all dependencies to
> Hibernate have been removed from the source.
> >
> > === An Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> > The Apache Foundation is the home of vendor neutral and industry
> standard software. By joining the Foundation we will apply Apache's Release
> and Licensing Standards to our product. Doing that we will improve our
> release processes, quality standards and it should give a planning
> reliability to our end users. But our main motivation is that our project
> is about collaboration, communication and enabling people to easily
> interact with each other. We think that the "Apache Way" of community
> driven software development with flat hierarchy and transparency in
> decision and design will reflect best those core activities of our software.
> >
> > Well, or course we want our project to be alive, and useful. Several
> contributors have former experience with Apache Harmony project (which
> previously has been known as SourceForge ORP project). Apache brand is
> really helpful compared to SourceForge brand for community building and
> getting support from commercial companies. From the other side
> org.apache.harmony story shows that the brand cannot help when there no
> community remain. Hence we try to keep people interested, and the product
> developed at the first place, thus supporting Apache brand fame with good
> facts.
> >
> > == Initial Source ==
> >  * http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/
> >
> > === External Dependencies ===
> > Adobe Flash (by means of !OpenLaszlo) and open source projects compliant
> with current Apache policy. The UI code is compiled by using !OpenLaszlo,
> not by using Adobe products. !OpenLaszlo is licenced under the CPL.
> !OpenLaszlo's concept is that you write the code in a XML based approach,
> it is possible to compile the output to Flash or DHTML/HTML5. So on the
> long run it might be possible to replace the Flash UI with a DHTML one. But
> as there is little multimedia support in HTML5 especially for Webcam and
> Microphone access it is not possible yet to prevent using Flash in general.
> The needed Real-Time Communication could be done using Ajax and HTTP-Push
> mechanisms like Comet instead of AMF which is currently used.
> >
> > For Flash Streaming Red5 is used ( http://code.google.com/p/red5 ).
> Red5 is currently a LGPL licensed Software based on Apache Tomcat / Apache
> MINA and Spring. Red5 will change to APL very soon, they already internally
> discussed that some time ago and voted on it:
> >
> >
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/red5developers/apache/red5developers/QkwBygXUGM0/KK4uICz0wEsJ
> >
> > Dependcies to Red5 API as graphs: Java Web-Start application
> (Screen-Sharing and Recording)
> http://openmeetings.googlecode.com/svn-history/r4162/docs/Red5.webstart.pngJava
>  Web-Application (
> http://openmeetings.googlecode.com/svn-history/r4162/docs/Red5.webapp.png).
> >
> > === Cryptography ===
> > OpenMeetings can be deployed using HTTPS and RTMPS (Flash Streaming and
> Remoting over SSL):
> http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/RTMPSandHTTPS
> >
> > = Required Resources =
> > Subversion Directory:
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/openmeetings
> >
> > Issue Tracking: JIRA (OPENMEETINGS)
> >
> > Required Mailing lists:
> >
> >  * openmeetings-u...@incubator.apache.org
> >  * openmeetings-...@incubator.apache.org
> >  * openmeetings-comm...@incubator.apache.org
> >
> > Wiki, Webspace: Confluence or similar software where we can integrate
> our current wiki and documentation (
> http://code.google.com/p/openmeetings/wiki/MainPage?tm=6)
> >
> > Other Resources:
> >
> > Continuous integration and Nightly Builds may eventually require hardware
> >
> > We are currently hosted on googlecode. There was an option in googlecode
> available to transfer a googlecode project to Apache. We would like to ask
> the hosting staff at Googlecode if they could maybe give us advice how we
> can easily get a copy of our project to import it into the new project
> space at Apache.
> >
> > == Initial Committers ==
> >  * Sebastian Wagner <seba.wagner at gmail dot com>
> >  * Oliver Becherer (smoeker) <ich at oliver-becherer dot name>
> >  * Rodion Volkov <volkov.rodion at gmail dot com>
> >  * Alexei Fedotov <aaf at apache dot org>
> >  * Evgeny Rovinsky <e.rovinsky at gmail dot com>
> >  * Maxim Solodovnik < solomax666 at gmail dot com >
> >  * Sascha Xander < sascha.xander at googlemail dot com >
> >  * Johnny Strom <johnny.strom at osp dot fi>
> >  * Eugen Schwert < eugen.schwert at googlemail dot com >
> >
> > If any other existing Apache or Openmeetings committers would like to be
> grandfathered into the list then feel free to ask.
> >
> > = Sponsors =
> > === Champion ===
> >  * Andrus Adamchik <aadamchik at apache dot org>
> >
> > === Mentors ===
> > Volunteers, please.
> >
> >  * Alexei Fedotov <aaf at apache dot org>
> >  * Jim Jagielski <jim at apache dot org>
> >  * Ross Gardler <rgardler at apache dot org>
> >  * Yegor Kozlov <yegor at apache dot org>
> >
> > === Sponsoring Entity ===
> > We would like to ask the Incubator PMC to sponsor Openmeetings.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > To unsubscribe, e-mail: general-unsubscr...@incubator.apache.org
> > For additional commands, e-mail: general-h...@incubator.apache.org
> >
> >
> --
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> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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