Links to both should be provided in the VOTE e-mails please.
The NOTICE file in the binary zip contains the following paragraph:
"This product depends on Apache UIMA developed at
The Apache Software Foundation (, licensed
under the Apache License 2.0 (see LICENSE file)."
This should be removed; NOTICE files are for *required* notices only;
UIMA is covered under the earlier ASF paragraph.
Our mentors told us that all references should be mentioned in the NOTICE
file, OpenNLP does not even redistribute UIMA. So even if it would be an
external library there would be no need to include it in the NOTICE file.
Exactly. The NOTICE file is for included items only.
Is the new common way of doing things now the one suggested above?
AIUI it was always - and still is - the case that the NOTICE file is
for required notices only.
If there is a document that says otherwise, please provide details here.
No, I don't know of a document which says otherwise. I personally also
just to include the things which are necessary. We will update to NOTICE
Based on the other feedback we got from you I believe we should make one
more release candidate. Or do you think that is not necessary?
Not quite sure why there are tar.gz and zip versions of the binary
archive, but only a zip version of the source archive.
I would expect there to be a tar.gz source archive as well.
Well, I guess others also, lets add it.
The source archive contains some files that are not in SVN:
pom.xml.releaseBackup (several, in different directories)
Looks like there was some kind of packaging problem.
Yes I noticed issue directly after doing the RC 4, but thought
it might not be important enough to redo the RC since we had
the same issue with our last release and no one ever noticed it,
and it is not causing any issues.
Anyway it is fixed already and will not happen again.
[SVN still contains a .cvsignore file under
opennlp-uima\src\main\java\opennlp\uima\namefind; this can probably be
Good catch, we will remove it.
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