Two quick comments, haven't read the context:

Marvin Humphrey wrote on Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 10:26:57 -0700:
> On Sun, Oct 30, 2011 at 12:55:01PM +0100, Jukka Zitting wrote:
> > To me this suggests that our current three state transitions [1] from
> > the podling phase -- termination, continuation and graduation -- may
> > need some adjustment. That could mean introducing new exit strategies
> > or relaxing the existing ones. 
> How about adding another Incubation end state: "migration"?
>   * The project migrates to a new home at Github or wherever, leaving behind
>     the Foundation's infrastructure, administrative oversight, and legal
>     umbrella.  A name change would be required (unfortunately) to avoid
>     trademark complications.  However, the project would pledge to continue
>     operating according to the Apache Way in its new home: meritocracy, PMCs,
>     hats, votes, quarterly reports entered into a record, etc.

If the community has consensus to move, won't it make sense to pursue
a solution that keeps the trademark with the community?

> Lastly, drawing up some guidelines for how projects not at Apache can operate
> according to an approximation of the Apache Way might be a worthy task for its
> own sake, providing the ASF a channel to spread its values without incurring
> more administrative overhead.

Yep, sounds like stuff for $otherlist though.

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