
On Sat, Oct 1, 2011 at 1:57 AM, Brian LeRoux <b...@brian.io> wrote:
> I would like to propose PhoneGap to be an Apache Incubator project.
> (Under the new, still proposed name, Apache Callback.)
> Here's a link to the proposal in the current PhoneGap wiki:
> http://wiki.phonegap.com/w/page/46311152/apache-callback-proposal

Related to this proposal, Adobe has just announced [1] an agreement to
acquire Nitobi, who together with IBM is a key force behind PhoneGap.
This acquisition should have little impact on the proposal.

PS. I unfortunately didn't have a chance to review the press release,
which ended up having a reference to the ASF and the code donation.
The reference, quoted below, is factually correct and doesn't refer to
the project being accepted by Apache, but it is uncomfortably close to
the "no publicity seeking" rule of the Incubator branding guide [2].
Apologies for not catching this in advance and seeking review by

    “We are also excited to announce our donation of the PhoneGap code to the
    Apache Software Foundation,” said Dave Johnson, chief technology officer,
    Nitobi.  “Adobe has been fully supportive of our decision, further
    Adobe’s continued commitment to the developer and open source communities.
    The Apache Software Foundation's model makes it possible for contributors
    to collaborate on open source product development and Adobe and Nitobi look
    forward to engaging with other community members to advance the PhoneGap

[2] http://incubator.apache.org/guides/branding.html


Jukka Zitting

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