
On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 4:44 AM, Christian Grobmeier <grobme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1 (binding)
> On Sun, Oct 2, 2011 at 9:36 AM, Simone Tripodi <simonetrip...@apache.org> 
> wrote:
>> Hi all guys,
>> I'm now calling a formal VOTE on the DirectMemory proposal located here:
>> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/DirectMemoryProposal
>> Proposal text copied at the bottom of this email.
>> VOTE close on Tuesday, October 4, early 7:30 AM CET.
>> Please VOTE:
>> [ ] +1 Accept DirectMemory into the Apache Incubator
>> [ ] +0 Don't care
>> [ ] -1  Don't Accept DirectMemory into the Apache Incubator because...
>> Thanks in advance for participating!
>> All the best, have a nice day,
>> Simo
>> P.S. Here's my +1
>> http://people.apache.org/~simonetripodi/
>> http://www.99soft.org/
>> = DirectMemory =
>> == Abstract ==
>> The following proposal is about Apache !DirectMemory, a Java
>> !OpenSource multi-layered cache implementation featuring off-heap
>> memory storage (a-la Terracotta !BigMemory) to enable caching of Java
>> objects without degrading JVM performance
>> == Proposal ==
>> !DirectMemory's main purpose is to to act as a second level cache
>> (after a heap based one) able to store large amounts of data without
>> filling up the Java heap and thus avoiding long garbage collection
>> cycles. Although serialization has a runtime cost store/retrieve
>> operations are in the sub-millisecond range being pretty acceptable in
>> every usage scenario even as a first level cache and, most of all,
>> outperforms heap storage when the count of the entries goes over a
>> certain amount. !DirectMemory implements cache eviction based on a
>> simple LFU (Least Frequently Used) algorythm and also on item
>> expiration. Included in the box is a small set of utility classes to
>> easily handle off-heap memory buffers.
>> == Background ==
>> !DirectMemory is a project was born in the 2010 thanks to Raffaele P.
>> Guidi initial effort under
>> [[https://github.com/raffaeleguidi/!DirectMemory/|GitHub]] and already
>> licensed under the Apache License 2.0.
>> == Rationale ==
>> The rationale behind !DirectMemory is bringing off-heap caching to the
>> open source world, empowering FOSS developers and products with a tool
>> that enables breaking the heap barrier and override the JVM garbage
>> collection mechanism collection - which could be useful in scenarios
>> where RAM needs are over the usual limits (more than 8, 12, 24gb) and
>> to ease usage of off-heap memory in general
>> = Current Status =
>> == Meritocracy ==
>> As a majority of the initial project members are existing ASF
>> committers, we recognize the desirability of running the project as a
>> meritocracy.  We are eager to engage other members of the community
>> and operate to the standard of meritocracy that Apache emphasizes; we
>> believe this is the most effective method of growing our community and
>> enabling widespread adoption.
>> == Core Developers ==
>> In alphabetical order:
>>  * Christian Grobmeier <grobmeier at apache dot org>
>>  * Maurizio Cucchiara <mcucchiara at apache dot org>
>>  * Olivier Lamy <olamy at apache dot org>
>>  * Raffaele P. Guidi <raffaele dot p dot guidi at gmail dot com>
>>  * Simone Gianni <simoneg at apache dot org>
>>  * Simone Tripodi <simonetripodi at apache dot org>
>>  * Tommaso Teofili <tommaso at apache dot org>
>> == Alignment ==
>> The purpose of the project is to develop and maintain !DirectMemory
>> implementation that can be used by other Apache projects.
>> = Known Risks =
>> == Orphaned Products ==
>> !DirectMemory does not have any reported production usage, yet, but is
>> getting traction with developers and being evaluated by potential
>> users and thus the risks of it being orphaned are minimal
>> == Inexperience with Open Source ==
>> All of the committers have experience working in one or more open
>> source projects inside and outside ASF.
>> == Homogeneous Developers ==
>> The list of initial committers are geographically distributed across
>> the Europe with no one company being associated with a majority of the
>> developers.  Many of these initial developers are experienced Apache
>> committers already and all are experienced with working in distributed
>> development communities.
>> == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
>> To the best of our knowledge, none of the initial committers are being
>> paid to develop code for this project.
>> == Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
>> !DirectMemory fits naturally in the ASF because it could be
>> successfully employed together with a large number of ASF products
>> ranging from JCS - as a new cache region between the heap and indexed
>> file ones, to ORM systems like Cayenne (i.e. replacing current OSCache
>> based implementation), Apache JDO and JPA implementations and also
>> java based databases (i.e. Derby) and all systems managing large
>> amounts of data from Hadoop to Cassandra
>> == A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
>> While the Apache Software Foundation would be a good home for the
>> !DirectMemory project it already has some traction and it could live
>> on its own - however we see reciprocal benefits for both the ASF and
>> the project in adopting the brand to better reach the community
>> = Documentation =
>>  1. [[https://github.com/raffaeleguidi/DirectMemory|The original
>> DirectMemory HomePage]]
>>  2. [[https://github.com/raffaeleguidi/DirectMemory/wiki|The original
>> DirectMemory Wiki]]
>>  3. [[https://github.com/raffaeleguidi/DirectMemory/issues|The
>> DirectMemory Issue Tracker (used also for enhancements, feature
>> requests and discussion)]]
>> = Initial Source =
>> The intial source comprises code developed on
>> [[https://github.com/raffaeleguidi/DirectMemory/|GitHub]] contributed
>> under Grant from Raffaele P. Guidi for Directmemory.
>> = Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan =
>> Source code will be moved from
>> [[https://github.com/raffaeleguidi/DirectMemory/|GitHub]] space inside
>> the SVN space of the podling.
>> = External Dependencies =
>>  * Google Guava collections -
>> http://code.google.com/p/guava-libraries/ - Apache License V2.0
>>  * Protostuff - http://code.google.com/p/protostuff/ - Apache License V2.0
>>  * JoSQL - http://josql.sourceforge.net/ - Apache License V2.0
>>  * AspectJ - http://www.eclipse.org/org/ - Eclipse Public License
>> (Category B, used only in binary form)
>>  * SLF4J - http://www.slf4j.org/ - MIT License (Category A)
>>  * Logback - http://logback.qos.ch/ - dual licensed under EPL v1.0 and
>> LGPL 2.1 (Category B, but not really a dependency as it is astracted
>> by the SLF4j facade)
>> '''Build/Test time dependencies'''
>>  * Maven - http://maven.apache.org/ - Apache License V2.0
>>  * JUnit - http://www.junit.org/ - CPL License v1.0 - (Category B,
>> used only in binary form)
>>  * JUnit Benchmarks -
>> http://labs.carrotsearch.com/junit-benchmarks.html - Apache License
>> V2.0
>> = Cryptography =
>> The project does not handle cryptography in any way.
>> = Required Resources =
>>  * Mailing lists
>>  * directmemory-private (with moderated subscriptions)
>>  * directmemory-dev
>>  * directmemory-user
>>  * directmemory-commits
>>  * Subversion directory
>>  * https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/directmemory
>>  * Website
>>  * Wiki (!DirectMemory)
>>  * Issue Tracking
>>  * JIRA (!DirectMemory)
>> = Initial Committers =
>> Names of initial committers - in alphabetical order - with current ASF 
>> status:
>>  * Christian Grobmeier <grobmeier at apache dot org> (ASF Member)
>>  * Ioannis Canellos <iocanel at apache dor org> (ASF Committer)
>>  * Maurizio Cucchiara <mcucchiara at apache dot org> (ASF Committer)
>>  * Olivier Lamy <olamy at apache dot org> (ASF Member)
>>  * Raffaele P. Guidi <raffaele dot p dot guidi at gmail dot com> (ICLA 
>> Signed)
>>  * Simone Gianni <simoneg at apache dot org> (ASF Member)
>>  * Simone Tripodi <simonetripodi at apache dot org> (ASF Member)
>>  * Tommaso Teofili <tommaso at apache dot org> (ASF Member)
>> = Sponsors =
>> == Champion ==
>>  * Christian Grobmeier <grobmeier at apache dot org>
>> == Nominated Mentors ==
>>  * Anthony Elder <antelder at apache dor org>
>>  * Christian Grobmeier <grobmeier at apache dot org>
>>  * Olivier Lamy <olamy at apache dot org>
>>  * Sylvain Wallez <sylvain at apache dot org>
>>  * Tim Williams <twilliams at apache dot org>
>> == Sponsoring Entity ==
>>  * The Apache Incubator
>> = Other interested people (in alphabetical order) =
>>  * TBD
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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> --
> http://www.grobmeier.de
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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Davanum Srinivas :: http://davanum.wordpress.com

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