Looks very interesting!

 +1  (non-binding)


On Sep 13, 2011, at 12:18 AM, Olivier Lamy wrote:

> Hello Folks,
> Please vote on the acceptance of Kalumet into the Apache incubator.
> The proposal is available at: http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/KalumetProposal
> (for your convenience, a snapshot is also copied below)
> The vote options (please cast your vote) :
> [ ] +1 Accept Kalumet for incubation
> [ ] +0 Don't care
> [ ] -1 Reject for the following reason:
> The vote is open for 72 hours.
> Here my (binding) +1 .
> Thanks,
> -- 
> Olivier Lamy
> Talend : http://talend.com
> http://twitter.com/olamy | http://linkedin.com/in/olamy
> = Kalumet - Complete Environment Deployer Toolbox =
> == Abstract ==
> Kalumet a complete environment manager and deployer including J2EE
> environments (application servers, applications, etc), softwares, and
> resources.
> It's a perfect complement to continuous integration (managed by maven
> and continuum or jenkins for instance) by adding continuous
> deployment.
> The whole factory chain is cover and the software administrator
> managed all environments in secure and safe way, whatever the
> underlying application servers (Apache Geronimo, Apache Tomcat, Apache
> TomEE, RedHat JBoss, Oracle Weblogic or IBM Websphere) or softwares
> (printout system, Apache HTTPd, operating systems, etc) are.
> Kalumet provides two kind of components :
> * Apache Kalumet agent are installed locally on the target server box.
> * Apache Kalumet console controls and manages the agents, allowing the
> software administrator to update all environments from a central
> multi-user web tool.
> == Background ==
> Currently, Apache Kalumet is named BuildProcess AutoDeploy
> (http://buildprocess.sourceforge.net). The development has begun 4
> years ago and several release have already been provided.
> == Rationale ==
> The software environments administration is heavy cost task with a
> high level of human actions, especially when mixing J2EE environments,
> different operating systems, softwares, etc It suffers :
> * a different set of scripts or actions/procedures depending of the
> application server used (Geronimo, Tomcat, JBoss, Weblogic, Websphere,
> ...) or other middlewares (portals or ESB like ServiceMix, HTTP
> servers like Apache HTTPd, etc);
> * a high level of risk due to human actions (for example, an
> administrator can forget to deploy a JDBC DataSource, or forget to
> change an application configuration file);
> * migrate an application from an environment to another one request
> boring actions (for example, migration applications and all linked
> resources from a testing environment to a production one, this action
> is named "promote");
> * the upgrade process can be long (depending of the number of
> applications and complexity);
> * most of resources are stored on the application server box, not in a
> central repository.
> Apache Kalumet secures the environment deployment and covers the whole
> environment scope including J2EE parts (EAR/WAR archives with
> classloader policy, JDBC DataSources, JMS Connection Factories, JMS
> Queues/Topics, etc) and resources (operating systems, softwares, etc)
> in a unique way. It's heavily expendable, that means that you can
> create new plugins for dedicated resources.
> == Initial Goals ==
> When we have begun AutoDeploy, the first goal was to provide several
> J2EE application servers JMX plugins. But quickly, we have seen that
> multi-application servers support was only a part of the software
> administration needs.
> That's why we have extended AutoDeploy to provide agents and a central
> console hosting all environments knowledges (artifact versions,
> resources, etc). Using the console, several administrators can use a
> central tool to manage all environments in a collaborative, unique and
> secure way.
> The target is now to provide a complete tool to fully administrate a
> data center servers, softwares and middlewares.
> = Current Status =
> Currently, BuildProcess AutoDeploy provides two branches :
> * the 0.5 branch (with the 0.5.6 latest release) is the current stable
> branch. This branch is built every night using Apache Continuum
> (http://continuum.nanthrax.net).
> * the 0.6 branch is in progress and it's the target one to become Apache 
> Kalumet
> == Community ==
> Currently, AutoDeploy community contains two comitters, 5 contributors
> and around 50 users.
> BuildProcess AutoDeploy is used in production and test in several companies :
> * Fimasys France (http://www.fimasys.com)
> * AMP-AXA Australia (https://www.amp.com.au/wps/portal/au)
> * Vodacom South Africa (http://www.vodacom.com)
> * Mayo Clinic USA (http://www.mayoclinic.com)
> * NSW Attorney General Australia (http://www.lawlink.nsw.gov.au)
> == Core Developers ==
> The core developers for AutoDeploy/Apache Kalumet project are :
> * Jean-Baptiste Onofré (founder in 2004).
> * Mike Duffy, WebSphere Consultant, contributes since 2005.
> == Open Source ==
> Since the beginning, AutoDeploy was a Open Source project using GPL
> license. It switched to Apache 2.0 license in 2009, approved by all
> AutoDeploy developers (IP Clearance).
> As all AutoDeploy contributors has approved, Apache Kalumet uses the
> Apache 2 license.
> AutoDeploy Console currently use NextApp Echo2 framework, released
> under Mozilla Public License, which is a Category B license.
> The Apache incubation phase will use Echo2, acting that we have to
> switch to an Apache compliant framework (Pax Wicket and Vaadin could
> be used) before any TLP graduation.
> = Known Risks =
> == Orphaned Products ==
> AutoDeploy is already deployed in production at multiple companies.
> (see Community Section)
> AutoDeploy is getting traction with developers and thus the risks of
> it being orphaned are minimal.
> == Inexperience with Open Source ==
> All code developed for AutoDeploy has been open source from the start
> (see Open Source section).
> And mostly by an ASF member Jean-Baptiste Onofré who is intimately
> familiar with the Apache model for open-source development and is
> experienced with working with new contributors.
> Jean-Baptiste Onofré, the creator of the project and one of the
> committers is also a committer on Apache Karaf, Apache ServiceMix,
> Apache Camel and Apache Ace.
> == Homogeneous Developers ==
> The initial set of committers is from a small set of organizations.
> However, we expect that once approved for incubation, the project will
> attract new contributors from diverse organizations and will thus grow
> organically. The participation of developers from several different
> organizations in the mailing list is a strong indication for this
> assertion.
> == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
> It is expected that Kalumet will be developed on salaried and
> volunteer time, although all of the initial developers will work on it
> mainly on salaried time.
> == Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
> AutoDeploy/Apache Kalumet depends upon other Apache Projects: Xerces,
> Xalan and multiple Apache Commons components and build systems like
> Maven. It will also use Apache OSGi project (Felix, Karaf, ACE) and
> project like Archiva.
> == A Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
> The reason for joining Apache is to foster a healthy community of
> contributors and consumers around the project. This is facilitated by
> ASF and that is the primary reason we would like Kalumet to become an
> Apache project.
> = Documentation =
> AutoDeploy docs: http://buildprocess.sourceforge.net/autodeploy.html
> == Initial Source ==
> https://buildprocess.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/buildprocess/AutoDeploy/
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> The initial source is already Apache 2.0 licensed.
> == External Dependencies ==
> The required external dependencies are all Apache License or
> compatible licenses. Following components with non-Apache licenses are
> enumerated :
> * Echo Web framework Mozilla Public License, which is a Category B
> license (see plan to remove this dependency).
> == Cryptography ==
> Kalumet does not depend upon any cryptography tools or libraries.
> = Required Resources =
> == Mailing lists ==
> * kalumet-private (with moderated subscriptions)
> * kalumet-dev
> * kalumet-commits
> * kalumet-user
> == Subversion Directory ==
> https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/incubator/kalumet
> == Issue Tracking ==
> JIRA Kalumet (Kalumet)
> == Other Resources ==
> The existing code already has unit and integration tests so we would
> like a Jenkins instance to run them whenever a new patch is submitted.
> This can be added after project creation.
> == Initial Committer ==
> * Mike Duffy (micdu...@gmail.com)
> * Ioannis Canellos (ioca...@apache.org)
> * Andreas Pieber (pie...@apache.org)
> * Achim Nierbeck (anierb...@apache.org)
> * Jamie Goodyear (jgoody...@apache.org)
> * Youhort Ly (youh...@gmail.com)
> == Affiliations ==
> * Jean-Baptiste Onofré, Talend
> * Olivier Lamy, Talend
> = Sponsors =
> == Champion ==
> * Olivier Lamy (ol...@apache.org)
> == Nominated Mentors ==
> * Jim Jagielski (j...@apache.org)
> * Olivier Lamy (ol...@apache.org)
> * Jean-Baptiste Onofré (jbono...@apache.org)
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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