On Thu, 2011-07-28 at 15:53 -0400, Sam Ruby wrote:
> *** Please change your Subject: line for any [DISCUSSION] of this [VOTE]
> As the discussions on the ODF Toolkit threads seem to be winding down,
> I would like to initiate the vote to accept the ODF Toolkit as an
> Apache Incubator project.
> At the end of this mail, I've put a copy of the current proposal.
> Here is a link to the document in the wiki:
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ODFToolkitProposal?action=recall&rev=7
> I encourage everybody to read the proposal thread before voting:
> http://old.nabble.com/-PROPOSAL--ODF-Toolkit-for-Incubation-td32102643.html
> Please cast your votes:
> [  ] +1 Accept ODF Toolkit for incubation
> [  ] +0 Indifferent to ODF Toolkit incubation
> [  ] -1 Reject ODF Toolkit for incubation

+1 ( non-binding)

Graham Lauder,
OpenOffice.org MarCon (Marketing Contact) NZ

OpenOffice.org Migration and training Consultant.

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