On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Kazunari Hirano <khir...@gmail.com> wrote:
> +1
>> == Background ==
>> The ODF Toolkit Union was jointly announced by Sun and IBM at the
>> OpenOffice.org Conference in Beijing, November 2008.
> https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/jhpOvocJCrShDVkE8lObEQ?feat=directlink
> https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/WkrnKIHG-ecC7llqFXc63w?feat=directlink
> It was an exciting announcement!
> :)

Yes, that was a very nice conference.

> This proposal is similar to
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/OpenOfficeProposal
> but it doesn't have the following phrase.
> "In order to help encourage the creation of a broad and diverse
> project built upon merit, as required of an Apache project, we have
> not loaded the initial committer list with contributors from a single
> company. Our intention is for the initial committer list to be
> representative of the various users of ... It is perfectly all right
> to have your name on this list if you contribute in another way than
> to commit program code."
> Does this phrase also apply to
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/ODFToolkitProposal
> ?

OpenOffice is an end-user product.  So in addition to coding, the
project needs other skills like user interface design, translation,
application help, marketing, etc.   The ODF Toolkit is a developer
SDK, for Java programmers.  So end users will not use the deliverables
of this project directly.  They would only use it, indirectly, when it
is used by another end-user facing application.  So there is no UI, no
translations, etc.  There will be documentation, but it will be
developer-oriented documentation, mainly in the form of JavaDoc and

So I do welcome additional contributors.  But I want to be clear that
the ODF Toolkit project has a different audience than OpenOffice, and
the project will benefit from a different mix of skills.


> Thanks,
> khirano
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