On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 7:11 PM, David Crossley <cross...@apache.org> wrote:
> David Crossley wrote:
>> Christian Grobmeier wrote:
>> >
>> > I would like to propose "Dormant" or "Retired" status for the alois
>> > project - not sure what is more matching or what the difference
>> > between these two is. Unfortunately I have not found any docs about
>> > this process.
>> I suggest search the mail lists for past similar situations.
>> We did have a recent discussion too about the process.
>> IIRC, the Leo Simons was very helpful.
>> Clutch provides some links:
>> http://incubator.apache.org/clutch.html#h-Retire
>> However there is more involved. When we find/create/enhance
>> some docs, we can add to those pointers.
>> Ah yes, one of those links goes to INCUBATOR-100
> Giving this discussion a new name and linking from JIRA.

Also, is there a retired-podlings url that the Attic can link to?


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