On Tue, Jun 14, 2011 at 11:20 AM, Noel J. Bergman <n...@devtech.com> wrote:
> Sam Ruby wrote:
>> All past struggles aside, if there are no credible plans to produce an
>> ASF project after 2.5 years, then IMHO it is time to begin the process
>> of terminating the incubation of this podling.
> I'm not arguing that point.  As I had replied, we can start the dormancy 
> discussion with them.  Do you wish to do that, or ask Bill?

Not clear who Bill is in the context, but in any case, I encourage
everybody and anybody who believes that it is possible to create a
credible plan that they personally endorse for graduation for BlueSky
to do so and submit a report for BlueSky in time for inclusion in the
July board report.

If that can't be done, then, yes Noel, I would appreciate it if you
would start a discussion about dormancy at that time.

>        --- Noel

- Sam Ruby

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