On Thu, Jun 9, 2011 at 12:00 PM, Sam Ruby <ru...@intertwingly.net> wrote:
> Binding votes are ones that are cast by Incubator PMC members.  Quorum
> is 3 binding +1 yes votes.  Once quorum is met, if more +1 votes are
> received than -1, the vote carries.  Otherwise, the vote fails.

Vote started on Friday, June 10th at 12:02pm EDT:


Voting is now closed.  Quorum was achieved, and the vote passes.
Voting results:

--- Summary ---

+1: 41
--: 1
-0: 1
-1: 5

+1: 45
+0: 2
±0: 1
-0: 1
-1: 8

--- Details ---

+1 aadamchik    Andrus Adamchik
+1 adc          Alan Cabrera
+1 akarasulu    Alex Karasulu
-- antelder     Anthony Elder
+1 ate          Ate Douma
+1 bdelacretaz  Bertrand Delacretaz
+1 bimargulies  Benson Margulies
+1 brett        Brett Porter
+1 clr          Craig Russell
+1 curcuru      Shane Curcuru
+1 danese       Danese Cooper
+1 dims         Davanum Srinivas
+1 dirkx        Dirk-Willem van Gulik
+1 elecharny    Emmanuel Lecharny
-0 gnodet       Guillaume Nodet
+1 grobmeier    Christian Grobmeier
+1 gstein       Greg Stein
+1 jim          Jim Jagielski
+1 joes         Joe Schaefer
+1 jukka        Jukka Zitting
+1 jvermillard  Julien Vermillard
+1 kevan        Kevan Lee Miller
+1 leosimons    Leo Simons
+1 lresende     Luciano Resende
+1 marrs        Marcel Offermans
+1 marvin       Marvin Humphrey
+1 mattmann     Chris Mattmann
+1 mturk        Mladen Turk
-1 niallp       Niall Pemberton
+1 nick         Nick Burch
-1 niclas       Par Niclas Hedhman
+1 noel         Noel J. Bergman
+1 noirin       Noirin Plunkett
+1 pauls        Karl Pauls
-1 psteitz      Phil Steitz
+1 rdonkin      Robert Burrell Donkin
+1 rgardler     Ross Duncan Gardler
+1 rgoers       Ralph Goers
+1 rhirsch      Richard Hirsch
+1 rubys        Sam Ruby
-1 sanjiva      Sanjiva Weerawarana
+1 sdeboy       Scott Deboy
+1 stoddard     Bill Stoddard
+1 struberg     Mark Struberg
-1 twilliams    Tim Williams
+1 upayavira    Upayavira
+1 wrowe        William A. Rowe Jr.
+1 zwoop        Leif Hedstrom

+1 aaf          Alexei Fedotov
+0 aku          Andreas Kuckartz
+1 asavory      Andrew Savory
+1 bayard       Henri Yandell
+1 damjan       Damjan Jovanovic (v)
+1 eric         Eric Charles
+1 edwardsmj    Mike Edwards
+1 florent      Florent André (v)
+1 jkosin       James Kosin
-1 stevel       Steve Loughran
+1 mikemccand   Michael McCandless
-1 niq          Nick Kew
+1 ngn          Niklas Gustavsson
+1 rickhall     Richard S. Hall
-0 seelmann     Stefan Seelmann
+1 scottbw      Scott Wilson
+1 sgala        Santiago Gala
+1 svanderwaal  Sander van der Waal
+1 wave         Dave Fisher (v)
+1 yegor        Yegor Kozlov (v)
+1 ---          Eric Bachard (v)
+1 ---          Mathias Bauer (v)
-1 ---          Thorsten Behrens
+1 ---          Stephan Bergmann (v)
+1 ---          Raphael Bircher (v)
+1 ---          Andy Brown (v)
+1 ---          Alexandro Colorado (v)
-1 ---          Keith Curtis
-1 ---          Florian Effenberger
+1 ---          Roman H. Gelbort (v)
+1 ---          Pedro Giffuni
+1 ---          Larry Gusaas
+1 ---          Daniel Haischt
+1 ---          Dennis E. Hamilton (v)
+1 ---          Don Harbison (v)
+1 ---          Kazunari Hirano (v)
+1 ---          Christoph Jopp
+1 ---          Steve Lee (v)
+1 ---          Dieter Loeschky (v)
+1 ---          Ian Lynch (v)
+1 ---          Carl Marcum (v)
+1 ---          Marcus
+1 ---          Ingrid von der Mehden (v)
-1 ---          Volker Merschmann
+0 ---          Cor Nouws
+1 ---          Simon Phipps
±0 ---          Manfred A. Reiter
+1 ---          Phillip Rhodes (v)
+1 ---          Andrew Rist (v)
+1 ---          Jürgen Schmidt (v)
-1 ---          André Schnabel
+1 ---          Jomar Silva (v)
+1 ---          Louis Suárez-Potts (v)
+1 ---          Malte Timmermann (v)
+1 ---          Jochen Wiedmann
+1 ---          Donald Whytock
-1 ---          Simos Xenitellis

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