I'm an Incubator PMC member so have a binding vote, but I'm also an
IBM employee, on this vote I abstain.


On Fri, Jun 10, 2011 at 5:02 PM, Sam Ruby <ru...@intertwingly.net> wrote:
> *** Please change your Subject: line for any [DISCUSSION] of this [VOTE]
> As the discussions on the OpenOfficeProposal threads seem to be winding
> down, I would like to initiate the vote to accept OpenOffice.org as an
> Apache Incubator project.
> At the end of this mail, I've put a copy of the current proposal.  Here is a
> link to the document in the wiki:
> http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/OpenOfficeProposal?action=recall&rev=207
> As the proposal discussion threads are numerous, I encourage people to scan
> and review the archives for this month:
> http://mail-archives.apache.org/mod_mbox/incubator-general/201106.mbox/browser
> Please cast your votes:
> [  ] +1 Accept OpenOffice.org for incubation
> [  ] +0 Indifferent to OpenOffice.org incubation
> [  ] -1 Reject OpenOffice.org for incubation
> This vote will close 72 hours from now.
> - Sam Ruby
> = OpenOffice.org - An open productivity environment =
> == Abstract ==
> !OpenOffice.org is comprised of six personal productivity applications: a
> word processor (and its web-authoring component), spreadsheet, presentation
> graphics, drawing, equation editor, and database. !OpenOffice.org is
> released on Windows, Solaris, Linux and Macintosh operation systems, with
> more [[http://porting.openoffice.org/|communities]] joining, including a
> mature  [[http://porting.openoffice.org/freebsd/|FreeBSD port]].
> !OpenOffice.org is localized, supporting over 110 languages worldwide.
> == Proposal ==
> Apache !OpenOffice.org will continue the mission pursued by the
> !OpenOffice.org project while under the sponsorship of Sun and Oracle,
> namely:
> "To create, as a community, the leading international office suite that
>  will run on all major platforms and provide access to all functionality and
>  data through open-component based APIs and an XML-based file format."
> In addition to to building the !OpenOffice.org product, as an end-user
> facing product with many existing individual and corporate users, this
> project will also be active in supporting end-users via tutorials, user
> forums, document template repositories, etc.  The project will also work to
> further enable !OpenOffice.org to be used as a programmable module in
> document automation scenarios.
> == Background ==
> !OpenOffice.org was launched as an open source project by Sun Microsystems
> in June 2000.  !OpenOffice.org was originally developed under the name of
> StarOffice by Star Division, a German company, which was acquired by Sun
> Microsystems in 1999.  Sun released this as open source in 2000.
>  !OpenOffice.org is the leading alternative to MS-Office available.  Its
> most recent major version, the 3.x series saw over
> [[http://www.webmasterpro.de/portal/news/2010/02/05/international-openoffice-market-shares.html|100
> million downloads]] in its first year.  The
> [[http://www.webmasterpro.de/portal/news/2010/02/05/international-openoffice-market-shares.html|most
> recent estimates]] suggest a market share on the order of 8-15%.
> The !OpenOffice source is written in C++ and delivers language-neutral and
> scriptable functionality. This source technology introduces the next-stage
> architecture, allowing use of the suite elements as separate applications or
> as embedded components in other applications. Numerous other features are
> also present including XML-based file formats based on the vendor-neutral
> !OpenDocument Format (ODF) standard from OASIS and other resources.
> == Rationale ==
> !OpenOffice.org core development would continue at Apache following the
> contribution by Oracle, in accordance with Apache bylaws and its usual open
> development processes. Both Oracle and ASF agree that the !OpenOffice.org
> development community, previously fragmented, would re-unite under ASF to
> ensure a stable and long term future for OpenOffice.org. ASF would enable
> corporate, non-profit, and volunteer stakeholders to contribute code in a
> collaborative fashion.
> Supporting tooling projects will accompany the !OpenOffice.org contribution,
> providing APIs for extending and customizing !OpenOffice.org.
> Both !OpenOffice.org and the related tooling projects support the OASIS Open
> Document Format, and will attract an ecosystem of developers, ISVs and
> Systems Integrators. ODF ensures the users of !OpenOffice.org and related
> solutions will own their document data, and be free to choose the
> application or solution that best meets their requirements.
> The !OpenOffice.org implementation will serve as a reference implementation
> of the Open Document Format standard.
> = Current Status =
> == Meritocracy ==
> We understand the intention and value of meritocracy at Apache.  We are
> particularly gratified to learn, during the discussion on this proposal,
> that there is a strong role for non-coders to participate in this
> meritocracy and as they demonstrate their sustained commitment and merit, to
> take on additional community responsibilities.
> The initial developers are very familiar with open source development, both
> at Apache and elsewhere. Apache was chosen specifically because Oracle as
> contributor, and IBM as Sponsor, as well as the initial developers, want to
> encourage this style of development for the project. A diverse developer
> community is regarded as necessary for a healthy, stable, long term
> !OpenOffice.org project.
> == Community ==
> The !OpenOffice.org project, over its 10+ years of existence has spawned a
> diverse set of derived applications, each associated with its own set of
> communities. Some of the more prominent applications built on
> !OpenOffice.org include:
>  * !LibreOffice
>  * [[http://wiki.ooo4kids.org|OOo4Kids]] /
> [[http://wiki.ooolight.org|OOoLight]]
>  * IBM Lotus Symphony
>  * !RedFlag China 2000 !RedOffice
>  * !NeoOffice
>  * !EurOffice
> A fuller picture of the range of customizations of !OpenOffice.org is
> illustrated in this time line:
> {{http://www.robweir.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/oo-forks.png}}
> Each of these products has one more more associated communities, which might
> include:
>  1. a user community
>  1. a developer community
>  1. a community of supporter, promoters, trainers, consultants, e.g., an
> extended ecosystem
> In some cases the development effort for the derived project consists of
> repackaging the core !OpenOffice.org code with additional plugins, fonts,
> clipart, in other cases an additional language translation is added bundled
> with additional language tools (spell checking dictionaries, grammar
> proofers), and in other cases the development work involves changes of the
> core components.
> In some cases the communities coordinate closely with the parent
> !OpenOffice.org projects, in other cases they have effectively "forked" into
> independent projects, and in some cases we really have no idea who they are
> or what they are doing. For example, screen shots of the secretive North
> Korean "Red Star" computer system indicate that it is likely using a
> customized version of !OpenOffice.
> The above community relations are as much social as business. The annual
> !OpenOffice.org Conference has, for many years, been an important event on
> the calendar for community members, a "gathering of the clans" and generally
> brings in the "extended family" of projects, often including
> non-!OpenOffice.org based projects that interoperate with !OpenOffice.org
> via the !OpenDocument Format (ODF) document format, e.g., Google Docs,
> Microsoft Office, !AbiWord, Calligra Suite/KOffice. We want to continue this
> tradition with members of any eventual Apache !OpenOffice TLP, in
> conjunction with the extended community of derived projects.
> One of our goals with this incubation project will be to rationalize and
> formalize the coordination of these upstream and downstream contribution,
> basing it on the Apache 2.0 license, which should help us disseminate
> enhancements to the core more easily, since this license is easily consumed
> by all derivatives, even those with copyleft licenses. We need to identify
> which functions performed by the broader network of communities are a good
> fit for an eventual Apache TLP, and which things fit better outside of
> Apache.We also need to respect that the maintainers of these derivatives of
> !OpenOffice.org have a lot of pride in their distributions and value their
> independent names and websites. So it is not reasonable to expect that they
> will wish to be folded into a single "vanilla" Apache !OpenOffice.org.
> However, we must do what is possible to encourage and further develop a
> thriving ecosystem around this project.
> One possible outcome is that we encourage the core development of the
> editors to occur in Apache, while making it easy, via a modular extension
> mechanism, a modular install, etc. for others to customize and redistribute
> as permitted by the Apache 2.0 license.
> == Collaboration with LibreOffice ==
> The !LibreOffice project is an important partner in the !OpenOffice.org
> community, with an established focus on the GNU/Linux community as well as
> on Windows and Mac consumer end-users. The Apache !OpenOffice project will
> seek to build a constructive working and technical relationship so that the
> source code developed at Apache can be readily used downstream by
> !LibreOffice, as well as exploring ways for their upstream contributions to
> be integrated.
> There will be other ways we will be able to collaborate, including jointly
> sponsored events, interoperability 'plugfests', standards development,
> shared build management infrastructure, shared release mirrors, coordination
> of build schedules and version numbers, defect lists, and other downstream
> requirements. We will make this relationship a priority early in the life of
> the podlet.
> == Core Developers ==
> The initial set of committers include developers and other contributors to
> !OpenOffice.org, as well members of other derived products, open source and
> commercial, including Symphony, RedOffice, LibreOffice, EducOOo, etc.
> These committers have varying degrees of experience with Apache-style open
> source development, ranging from none to ASF Members.
> == Marketing ==
> Since its origins, !OpenOffice.org has had a healthy group of volunteers
> committed to marketing with "!MarCons" in many countries. There are existing
> initiatives that combine marketing with the possibility of raising
> independent funds, for example through EU grant applications related to the
> Life Long Learning programme, the certification project and developing the
> selling of marketing collateral around the OpenOffice.org brand. There is
> potential to independently raise money to substantially improve the quality
> and take up of the code that was not realised previously.
> == Education ==
> Create a '''strong bridge between !OpenOffice.org and the Educational
> World''' :
>  * Provide a place for !OpenOffice.org users, in Education context: discuss
> about adapt !OpenOffice.org to your pedagogy, your needs ..etc (all levels
> of Education are concerned )
>  * Provide and promote tools adapted to pedagogical use, around
> !OpenOffice.org
>  * Write code together : train students to OpenOffice.org source code,
> create new features, experiment and reverse the best code to be integrated,
> following the [[http://education.openoffice.org|OpenOffice.org Education
> Project model]] and the [[http://www.educoo.org|EducOOo effort]].
>  * !OpenOffice.org has also maintained various mentoring projects and
> efforts and are in demand
> == Alignment ==
> The developers of !OpenOffice.org will want to work with the Apache Software
> Foundation specifically because Apache has proven to provide a strong
> foundation and set of practices for developing standards-based
> infrastructure and related components. Additionally, the project may evolve
> to support cloud and mobile platforms from its starting point of desktop
> operating systems.
> = Known Risks =
> == Orphaned products ==
> We are encouraged by the strong initial response that news of this proposal
> has attracted,  quickly growing from two to over 80 proposed committers.
>  Among those names are individuals who have been involved with this project
> for 10 years or more.  In addition to the individual volunteers, there is a
> __significant__[[http://www-03.ibm.com/press/us/en/pressrelease/34638.wss|corporate
> committment]].  The risk, as in most projects, is to grow the project and
> maintain diversity.  This is a priority that is keenly desired by the
> community.
> == Inexperience with Open Source ==
> The initial developers include long-time open source developers, including
> Apache Members. Although the vast majority of proposed committers do not
> have Apache experience, they do have open source experience.  For example,
> the names from *openoffice.org addresses were involved with the project
> previously.
> The inexperience risk is also mitigated by the strong list of mentors who
> have signed up to support this project.
> == Homogeneous Developers ==
> !OpenOffice.org for many years was managed by Sun, who provided the majority
> of its engineering resources as well as its direction. Moving this project
> to Apache enables a new start and provide a broad framework.  We intend to
> engage in strong recruitment efforts in order to further strengthen and
> diversify this project.
> In terms of geographic diversity, the project has strong European
> participation.  This reflects the historical core of the development effort
> in this project.  We wish to diversify this more, especially encouraging
> greater participation from CJK, India and South America.
> == Reliance on Salaried Developers ==
> The initial group of proposed committers does not appear to be dominated by
> a single company.  However, when we look at sponsored developers, with the
> ability to work on this project full time, IBM clearly has more committers.
>  We beleive that this situation will change, as the project developers.  The
> value of this code under a the permissive Apache 2.0 license will attract
> and encourage opportunities, not only for existing software vendors, but
> also for new ventures.  This is a new opportunity, not previously permitted
> to the same degree by the project's previous license.  This combined with a
> strong recruitment effort will help remove the project reliance on
> developers from any single company.
> == Relationships with Other Apache Products ==
> Several potential areas for collaboration with other Apache projects have
> been suggested, including:
> [[http://poi.apache.org|Apache POI]] potentially, if POI extends to support
> ODF, the default file format of !OpenOffice.org. (and initial discussions on
> this have been promising)
> [[http://tika.apache.org/|Apache Tika]] is a generic toolkit for extracting
> text and metadata from various file formats. Improving ODF support with
> tools from OOo is an obvious area of interest for Tika.
> [[http://pdfbox.apache.org/|Apache PDFBox]] is a Java library for working
> with PDF documents. If not direct code sharing over the Java / C++ divide,
> then at least sharing of PDF know-how and perhaps things like test cases
> between these projects would be great.
> [[http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/|Apache XML Graphics]] for SVG related
> libraries
> [[http://community.apache.org/|Community Development]]
> We are interested in further exploring these options.
> == A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ==
> !OpenOffice.org in itself is a very strong brand.  Our primary interest is
> in the processes, systems, and framework Apache has put in place around open
> source software development more than any fascination with the brand.
> == Documentation ==
> Additional reading on  !OpenOffice.org can be found at the
> [[http://www.openoffice.org/|existing project's website]].
> == Localization ==
> This part is mandatory, and an important step in the organization.
> == Initial Source ==
> The initial source will consist of a collection of !OpenOffice.org files as
> specified in Oracle's submitted SGA.
> During incubation, we will seek a grant to the following additional items:
>  * [[http://hg.services.openoffice.org/DEV300/file/DEV300_m106/mysqlc|MySQL
> Connector module]]
>  *
> [[http://hg.services.openoffice.org/DEV300/file/DEV300_m106/default_images|default
> images]]
>  * [[http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/ChildWorkSpace|ChildWorkSpaces
> (CWS)]]
> == External Dependencies ==
> !OpenOffice has external dependencies, including source and binary, required
> and optional, under a variety of licenses.  A list of these dependencies can
> be found [[http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/External/Modules|here]].
> We acknowledge that it is a podling graduation requirement to review these
> dependencies and to get the product into conformance with Apache
> requirements.  The details will vary on a  case-by-case basis, but options
> available to us include:
>  * Substitute an external dependency with one having a compatible license
>  * Contact the owner of a dependency and asking for a compatible license
>  * Replace a source dependency with an unmodified binary dependency
>  * Make a feature be optional, or user-installed
>  * Rewrite a feature to avoid the external dependency
>  * Remove a feature along with its external dependencies
> Note: This task will be aided by the help of project members who work on IBM
> Lotus Symphony, who are familiar with many of these issues from a similar
> effort done on that product.
> == Cryptography ==
> !OpenOffice.org supports digital signatures and encryption of documents.
>  The project will complete any needed export control paperwork related to
> these features.
> == Required Resources ==
> Note: It is recommended that after this proposal is accepted, that there be
> a consultation with ASF Legal Affairs on the trademark *before* any project
> infrastructure is created.
> === Mailing Lists ===
> The following mailing lists:
>  * `ooo-...@incubator.apache.org` - for developer discussions
>  * `ooo-comm...@incubator.apache.org` - for Subversion commit messages
>  * `ooo-iss...@incubator.apache.org` - for JIRA change notifications
>  * `ooo-notificati...@incubator.apache.org` - for continuous build/test
> notifications
> '''Note''': a users mailing is not being requested at this time. It is
> anticipated that users will interact with the community through existing
> !OpenOffice.org systems, which are forums, based on phpBB.
> === Other resources ===
> A subversion repository
> A JIRA issue tracker: short code "OOo"
> Pootle server (suggested for localization centralization)
> phpBB end-user forums
> Download site
> TBD: some idea of how much build infrastructure measured in hardware.
> Oracle will assist in the transition and migration from !OpenOffice.org. All
> of the content has already been archived and is ready for the ASF
> infrastructure group to act on.
> == Initial Committers ==
> In order to help encourage the creation of a broad and diverse project built
> upon merit, as required of an Apache project, we have not loaded the initial
> committer list with contributors from a single company. Our intention is for
> the initial committer list to be representative of the various users of OOo
> code. It is perfectly all right to have your name on this list if you
> contribute in another way than to commit program code (please maintain
> alphabetical ordering).
> ||<tablewidth="897px" tableheight="714px">'''Name''' ||'''Email'''
> ||'''Affiliation''' ||'''iCLA''' ||
> ||Kai Ahrens ||ka at openoffice dot org ||Individual !OpenOffice.org,
> [[http://graphics.openoffice.org|graphics.openoffice.org]] || ||
> ||Eric Bachard ||ericb at openoffice dot org
> ||[[http://www.educoo.org|EducOOo]],[[http://education.openoffice.org/|Education
> Project]] || ||
> ||Mathias Bauer ||mba at openoffice dot org ||Individual !OpenOffice.org
> ||yes ||
> ||Stephan Bergmann || s...@openoffice.org ||Individual !OpenOffice.org || ||
> ||Raphael Bircher || r.birc...@gmx.ch
> ||[[http://www.raphaelbircher.ch|Individual]] !OpenOffice.org QA, and
> Infrastructure || ||
> ||Ben Bois ||benbois at ooo4kids dot org ||[[http://www.educoo.org|EducOOo]]
> / [[http://wiki.ooo4kids.org|OOo4Kids]] /
> [[http://wiki.ooolight.org|OOoLight]] designer || ||
> ||Andy Brown ||andy at the-marin-byrd dot net ||Individual ||yes ||
> ||Simon Brouwer ||simonbr at openoffice dot org
> ||[[http://nl.openoffice.org/|Dutch Native Language Project]] ||yes ||
> ||Alexandro Colorado || j...@openoffice.org
> ||[[http://education.openoffice.org/|Education Project]] || ||
> ||Fred-Juan DIAZ ||fred-juan.diaz at educoo dot org
> ||[[http://www.educoo.org|EducOOo]] tester || ||
> ||Robert Burrell Donkin || rdon...@apache.org ||Individual ||yes ||
> ||Olaf Felka ||of at openoffice.org ||individual, QA,
> [[http://qa.openoffice.org/ooQAReloaded/FrameworkTeamsite/ooQA-TeamFramework.html|Framework]]
> || ||
> ||David Fisher || w...@apache.org ||individual ||yes ||
> ||Marcelo Horacio Fortino || mfort...@estrategiasgnulinux.com ||Individual
> || ||
> ||Jaime R. Garza ||<<MailTo(garzaj AT SPAMFREE gmail DOT com)>> ||Individual
> || ||
> ||Roman Gelbort || elprofero...@openoffice.org
> ||[[http://openoffice.org/people/307558-elproferoman|Spanish and Marketing
> project]] || ||
> ||Luis E. Vasquez || levar...@openoffice.org ||Individual || ||
> ||Christian Grobmeier ||grobmeier AT apache dor org ||Individual ||yes ||
> ||Wolf Halton || wolf.hal...@gmail.com ||http://atlantacloudtech.com || ||
> ||Dennis E. Hamilton || dennis.hamil...@acm.org ||Individual ([[orcmid]]) ||
> ||
> ||Ivo Hinkelmann ||ihi at openoffice dot org ||Individual || ||
> ||Eric Hoch || mave...@openoffice.org ||Co-Lead
> [[http://de.openoffice.org/|German Native Language Project]], MacPorting
> Project || ||
> ||Martin Hollmichel || m...@openoffice.org ||Release Manager, OOo external
> project lead || ||
> ||imacat || ima...@mail.imacat.idv.tw ||[[http://educoo.tw|EducOOo Taiwan]],
> [[http://zh.openoffice.org|Traditional Chinese]] || ||
> ||Jim Jagielski || j...@apache.org ||Individual ||yes ||
> ||Christoph Jopp || j...@gmx.de ||Individual ||yes ||
> ||Marcus Lange || m...@openoffice.org ||Individual
> [[http://download.openoffice.org|download.openoffice.org]] || ||
> ||Steve Lee || st...@fullmeasure.co.uk ||Individual (a11y) ||yes ||
> ||Christian Lippka || c...@lippka.com ||Individual
> [[http://graphics.openoffice.org|graphics.openoffice.org]] || ||
> ||Dieter Loeschky || d...@openoffice.org ||Individual
> [[http://performance.openoffice.org|OOo Performance]],
> [[http://council.openoffice.org/esc|OOo ESC]] || ||
> ||Ian Lynch || ian.ly...@theingots.org ||[[http://theingots.org|Marketing
> Project/TLM]] || ||
> ||Carl Marcum || carl.mar...@codebuilders.net ||Individual
> [[http://www.codebuilders.net|CodeBuilders.net]] ||yes ||
> ||Patrick Maupin || pmau...@gmail.com ||Individual || ||
> ||Ingrid von der Mehden ||iha at openoffice dot org
> ||[[http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Chart2|OOo chart development]]
> || ||
> ||Stephane Quenson ||stephane.quenson [at] gmail [dot] com ||Individual ||
> ||
> ||Eike Rathke ||ooo AT erack DOT de ||individual || ||
> ||Manfred Reiter ||fredao at openoffice dot org
> ||[[http://theingots.org|Marketing Project/TLM]] || ||
> ||Zoltán Reizinger || r4z...@openoffice.org ||Individual qa user forum || ||
> ||Phillip Rhodes || prho...@fogbeam.com ||[[http://www.fogbeam.com|Fogbeam
> Labs]] ||yes ||
> ||Andrew Rist || andrew.r...@oracle.com ||[[http://oracle.com/|Oracle]]
> ||yes ||
> ||Lawrence Rosen || lro...@rosenlaw.com
> ||[[http://www.rosenlaw.com/|Individual]] ||yes ||
> ||Juergen Schmidt ||jsc at openoffice dot org ||Individual
> [[http://api.openoffice.org|API]],
> [[http://extensions.openoffice.org|Extensions]] || ||
> ||Jomar Silva ||homembit at gmail ||Individual
> ([[http://www.homembit.com|homembit]]) || ||
> ||Kai Sommerfeld ||kso at openoffice dot org ||Individual !OpenOffice.org ||
> ||
> ||Mechtilde Stehmann || mechti...@openoffice.org ||qa officer || ||
> ||Michael Stehmann || mikea...@openoffice.org ||individual || ||
> ||Greg Stein ||gstein at gmail ||individual ||yes ||
> ||Michael Stahl ||mst at openoffice dot org ||Individual !OpenOffice.org ||
> ||
> ||Carl Symons || carlsym...@gmail.com ||Individual || ||
> ||Stefan Taxhet ||stx123 at gmail
> ||[[http://www.linkedin.com/in/stefantaxhet|Individual]],
> [[http://openoffice.org/people/4-Stefan-Taxhet|OpenOffice.org]] || ||
> ||Malte Timmermann || m...@openoffice.org
> ||[[http://www.linkedin.com/in/maltetimmermann|Individual]],
> [[http://security.openoffice.org/|OpenOffice.org Security]] and
> Accessibility || ||
> ||Rob Weir || robert_w...@us.ibm.com ||[[http://ibm.com/|IBM]] ||yes ||
> ||Yong Lin Ma || mayo...@cn.ibm.com ||[[http://symphony.lotus.com|IBM,
> Symphony Architect]] ||yes ||
> ||Lei Wang || l...@cn.ibm.com ||[[http://symphony.lotus.com|IBM,
> Spreadsheet]] || ||
> ||Drew Jensen || d...@baseanswers.com ||Individual
> [[http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/User:Drew|TDF]]
> [[http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/User:DrewJensen|OpenOffice]]
> ||yes ||
> ||Graham Lauder || yori...@openoffice.org ||!OpenOffice.org !MarCon
> [[http://marketing.openoffice.org/contacts.html|(Marketing Contact) New
> Zealand]] || ||
> ||Florent André || flor...@apache.org ||individual ||yes ||
> ||Allen Pulsifer ||pulsifer at openoffice.org ||individual || ||
> ||Herbert Duerr || h...@openoffice.org ||individual || ||
> ||Kazunari Hirano || khir...@openoffice.org ||individual || ||
> ||Kent Åberg || kent.ab...@newformat.se
> ||[[http://www.newformat.se/newformat/eng/newformat-home-index.html|NewFormat]]
> || ||
> ||Maho NAKATA || m...@openoffice.org ||ja/qa project lead, FBSD porting ||
> ||
> ||Miguel Á. Ríos ||mariosv@miguelangel dot mobi ||Individual || ||
> ||Dave !McKay || thegur...@openoffice.org ||Individual || ||
> ||Louis Suárez-Potts || lo...@openoffice.org ||individual || ||
> ||Fernand Vanrie || s...@pmg.be ||individual || ||
> ||Arthur Buijs || artie...@openoffice.org
> ||[[http://nl.openoffice.org/|Dutch Native Language Project]] ||Yes ||
> ||Dave Barton || d...@tasit.net
> ||[[http://www.tutorialsforopenoffice.org|Tutorials For OpenOffice]] || ||
> ||Jian Fang Zhang || zhan...@cn.ibm.com ||[[http://symphony.lotus.com|IBM,
> Symphony Chief Programmer, G11N, Security]] ||Yes ||
> ||Zhe Wang || wangz...@cn.ibm.com ||[[http://symphony.lotus.com|IBM,
> Impress]] || ||
> ||Don Harbison || donald_harbi...@us.ibm.com ||[[http://ibm.com/|IBM]] ||Yes
> ||
> ||Jian Hong Cheng || chen...@cn.ibm.com ||[[http://symphony.lotus.com|IBM,
> Writer, Impress]] || ||
> ||Chao Sun || sunc...@redoffice.com ||[[www.redoffice.com|RedOffice]] || ||
> ||Heng Lee || lih...@redoffice.com ||[[www.redoffice.com|RedOffice]] || ||
> ||Shu Wang Han || hanshuw...@redoffice.com ||[[www.redoffice.com|RedOffice]]
> || ||
> ||Hong Yun An || anhong...@redoffice.com ||[[www.redoffice.com|RedOffice]]
> || ||
> ||Jin Hua Chen || chenj...@cn.ibm.com ||IBM, Symphony Presentation || ||
> ||Yegor Kozlov || ye...@apache.org ||individual ||yes ||
> ||Juan C. Sanz || jucasac...@openoffice.org ||Spanish documentation || ||
> ||Peter Junge || p...@openoffice.org ||Individual || ||
> ||Cyril Beaussier ||oooforum at free dot fr
> ||[[http://user.services.openoffice.org/fr|French forum
> admin]],[[http://fr.openoffice.org/|French Project webmaster]] || ||
> ||Damjan Jovanovic || dam...@apache.org ||individual ||yes ||
> ||Fernando Cassia || fcas...@sdf.lonestar.org ||individual || ||
> = Sponsors =
> == Champion ==
> Sam Ruby, Apache Foundation
> == Nominated Mentors ==
> Because of the scope and complexity of this proposed project, we believe
> that the incubation process would benefit from multiple mentors, especially
> ones willing to be the "point person" for each of the following disciplines:
>  a. IP review
>  a. infrastructure
>  a. release management
>  a. community development
> Mentors (these are all Members of the Foundation):
>  * Jim Jagielski
>  * Sam Ruby
>  * Danese Cooper
>  * Shane Curcuru
>  * Nóirín Plunkett
>  * Joe Schaefer
>  * Christian Grobmeier
>  * Ross Gardler
> == Sponsoring Entity ==
> The Apache Incubator
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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