> Please cast your votes:
> [  ] +1 Accept OpenOffice.org for incubation
> [  ] +0 Indifferent to OpenOffice.org incubation
> [  ] -1 Reject OpenOffice.org for incubation

-1 (non-binding)

This proposal is for the hosting of all OpenOffice.org services by the ASF,
and mandates for items such as marketing, documentation and localisation
which are not core competencies of the ASF. Moreover, the ASF has no
other project like OOo
that focuses on end-users. Furthermore, existing ASF developers have
little or no prior exposure to the OOo codebase due to the licensing

It would make sense for the ASF to focus on an ODF reference
implementation instead of undertaking the whole of OpenOffice.org, as
the FSF recommends,

I believe that the ASF will be overwhelmed by the sheer amount of
diverse effort that is required, if this proposal passes.
Any development effort should join LibreOffice and the TDF (The
Document Foundation) which gained already the attention of the


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