Danese Cooper <dan...@gmail.com> wrote on 06/08/2011 09:31:24 PM:

> From: Danese Cooper <dan...@gmail.com>
> To: general@incubator.apache.org
> Date: 06/08/2011 09:31 PM
> Subject: Re: OpenOffice Proposal: Nominated Mentors
> Help me understand why the project would most benefit from that 
> Don.

First off, I mean no dis-respect. Your track record with OO.o speaks for 
in terms of the initial launch of OpenOffice.org. Thank You! (and Sun!!!)

My suggestion, and that's all it is, was to seek a mentor for ASF who does 
have your history, nor anyone's with that great legacy. Rather, the 
was to seek an Apache mentor with a fresh set of eyeballs, ears, and 
wholly lacking in this great history. Who knows where someone like that 
be able to influence the future direction of the project...

> Mentors' main role is to help podling members learn the Apache Way so 
> can graduate to TLP.  This project enjoys a wealth of excellent mentors 
> we happen to mostly be people who have worked successfully together at
> Apache.  With so many mentors, my thought was that it would be quite 
> to have one that knows some history.
> Additionally, I am not currently and have no immediate plans to be in 
> employ of any entity with a commercial interest in the outcome of this
> project.  I believe you may be confused on this point.
> I completely get it that this is a new chapter, and I am quite 
interested in
> helping the podling succeed as an upstream source of OOo code to the 
> extended ecosystem.  To that end, I would expect to help poding members
> remember to be inclusive and transparent in their motives and actions.
> Danese
> > Thanks Ross, much appreciated. The thought was that the project would 
> > benefit
> > from an Apache community development mentor with no past history with
> > OpenOffice.org.
> > The goal most seem to agree to is one of unification. So a 'Special
> > Envoy', forgive the
> > exaggerated metaphor, may be more effective. Danese has wonderful 
> > but this project
> > is now moving forward re-born, in a sense. It deserves fresh 
> > IMHO.

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