On 7 Jun 2011, at 13:06, Michael Stahl wrote:
> On 07/06/11 11:42, Christian Lippka wrote:
>> Am 07.06.2011 11:09, schrieb Thorsten Behrens:

>>> If you re-read Christian's mail, the answer to both is "yes". And
>>> another remark: given the overall state of the code (~20 years of
>>> sedimentation), the full project history is of great value, when one
>>> tries to figure out how one specific piece of code came to pass.
> yes, the history is definitely valuable; in fact i sometimes am frustrated 
> that it only starts in 2000 and misses out the first 10 years...

Keep in mind that one can do both - keep all the history -but- at the same time 
ensure that releases done under the ASF its banner only contain code covered by 
the software grant. And that any code added since that software grant 'stake in 
the sand' point is covered by the normal CCLA agreement with an indivudal 
committer. Combine that with a bit of frugal oversight by the PMC (to spot 
accidental cut-and-paste from pre-watershed code) and one has the best of both 
worlds perhaps?


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