On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 14:31, eric b <eric.bach...@free.fr> wrote:
> Hi,
> Le 6 juin 11 à 20:21, Greg Stein a écrit :
>> On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 14:18, Alexandro Colorado <j...@openoffice.org>
>> wrote:
>>> I'll surrely can make it to the US if needed. OSCON is good, but would
>>> like
>>> to know if there will be enough OOo people there to ensure there would be
>>> an
>>> useful exchange.
>> More than zero is better than we have so far :-)
> Alexandro isnot joking, and pointed a big issue : there will be nobody from
> OOo represented (I mean the one who put their names on the wiki)
> Words are missing me (sorry, I'm not a native speaker), but there is
> something wrong ...

Oh, I agree that having lots of people meet up is best. But I also
believe that just *two* people meeting is better than nothing.
"Critical mass" is great, but I think a lot of people miss the benefit
of a simple meeting between a couple meeting.

For example, if you and I met for lunch... wouldn't that be good?

In some respects, getting 50 people into a room together may be
shooting yourself in the foot. If I wanted to spend 5 minutes with
each other person in the room, that would take over 4 hours!! I would
much rather spend an hour sharing beers with three people, than three
minutes each with 50 people.


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