Although it is still a daunting list (over 100 items), it is interesting to 
grep the list for ".mk" files.  This will show some places where some 
third-party components seem to be introduced (e.g.,  I'm not sure 
where the build process is handled and what the tooling requirement is.  I 
believe that developer pages provide more insight for 
that, such as the Building Guide, 

-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Lippka [] 
Sent: Sunday, June 05, 2011 04:10
Subject: Re: List of files covered by the OpenOffice grant

Hi Sam,

thank you for the list. From a first glance it looks like that this is exactly 
the same set of sources that is already available in the 
I do not want to imply that this is too much or too little, just a FYI for 
those interested and to lazy to compare for themselfs :-)


Am 05.06.2011 12:43, schrieb Sam Ruby:
> I extracted the text from the Grant.  It needed some minor cleanup 
> (for example, to remove page numbers).  It is possible that I 
> introduced errors in the process, but that seems unlikely given how 
> clean this data was.  In any case, in the event that there are any 
> differences the original grant is authoritative.
> Without further ado, here are the list of files:
> I do not recommend accessing this page via a dialup connection as this 
> list alone is ~1.75Mb
> - Sam Ruby

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