Greg Stein wrote (04-06-11 06:31)
On Fri, Jun 3, 2011 at 21:07, Cor Nouws<> wrote:
[Picking a random mail in this thread]
I have a suggestion by the wiki-proposal.
I read
" Reliance on Salaried Developers
Ensuring the long term stability of is a major
reason for establishing the project at Apache.
Unless really relevant, I would suggest to leave that last sentence out. I
guess no need to explain why ;-)
Cor: I believe that you would need a better understanding of Apache,
or that you *do* need to explain why that sentence should be omitted.
Apologies. Was too obvious for me.
I read the sentence as arguing that TDF would not be a long term stable
solution. And since there still are some attempts to build bridges,
offensive suggestions have no place.
On the other side: I have not a single reason to suggest that the ASF is
not long term stable.
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