The butler did it.

On Thu, Jun 2, 2011 at 11:17 AM, Jim Jagielski <> wrote:
> Guys, if we are going to argue over the mistakes of the pasts
> and the slights of the past, quite frankly, we aren't going to
> get very far.
> This is supposed to be a happy occasion; let's not bicker
> and argue about who-killed-who... :)
> On Jun 2, 2011, at 11:11 AM, wrote:
>> Jochen Wiedmann <> wrote on 06/02/2011 10:25:20
>> AM:
>>>> I trust I do not need to explain at length to an Apache PMC the
>> relative
>>>> merits of the Apache 2.0 license or the strengths and stability of the
>>>> ASF.  I'll take it as granted that this is well-known to you all.  In
>> any
>>>> case I am a strict adherent to the practical wisdom of not debating
>> open
>>>> source licenses while sober, and I decline to make an exception in
>> this
>>>> case.
>>> Rob, it may come as a surprise to you: But what I wrote was in no way
>>> related to a particular license. I would have written just the same,
>>> if Apache would use the LGPL/MPL and LibreOffice where ASL licensed.
>>> The point I am trying to make is that it is (IMO) in noone's interest
>>> to create a second community (!), the exception (at least it seems)
>>> being IBM. Everyone else would be just as happy or even happier if the
>>> OO code base, trademarks, etc. where simply donated to TDF.
>> Respectfully, Jochen, that is your opinion, but it disproved with every
>> non-IBM name added to the wiki.
>> Despite TDF press releases, there was never unanimous support for
>> LibreOffice among members of the community.  We're seeing
>> some of them stand up now and be counted.
>> What is best for them?  Really?  Do you really want to tell them what is
>> best for them, what will make everyone happy?!
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