On 06/01/2011 11:45 AM, Ross Gardler wrote:
On 01/06/2011 17:29, Greg Stein wrote:
On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 12:21, Ross Gardler<rgard...@apache.org> wrote:
Thanks for this exciting proposal. I have a few questions.

There are only two initial committers identified in the proposal. Why
two for such a large codebase?

Hopefully more will show up. As with other podlings, we're usually
quite liberal with adding people onto the "Initial Committers" list.

I see, so the community development starts now. Good. I hope we see
plenty of LibreOffice people stepping up to be named. If they do step up
will they be added?

The proposal states "Both Oracle and ASF agree that the OpenOffice.org
development community, previously fragmented, would re-unite under
ASF to
ensure a stable and long term future for OpenOffice.org." What
evidence is
there to support this bold statement? And who are the "ASF" that made

No idea. Maybe they're missing a "we hope".

I'll subscribe to "we hope".


The The Document Foundation released this announcement today:


One thing of note is that they state that the Apache License is compatible with LGPLv3+ and MPL. This means that improvements made under the Apache License could be merged into LibreOffice. However, I don't think that the opposite will be true.

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