

On Nov 17, 2010, at 5:10 AM, Ross Gardler wrote:

> Please vote on the acceptance of JENA into the incubator. The proposal can be 
> found at http://wiki.apache.org/incubator/JenaProposal and is copied below.
> [ ] +1 Accept Jena for incubation
> [ ] +0 Don't care
> [ ] -1 Reject for the following reason:
> The vote is open for at least 72 hours.
> Thanks,
> Ross
> = Jena, a Semantic Web Framework =
> == Abstract ==
> Jena is a semantic web framework for Java, based on W3C standards.
> == Proposal ==
> Jena provides a semantic web framework in Java that implements the key W3C 
> recommendations for the core semantic web technologies of RDF and SPARQL.  
> Jena is a number of components and modules built on this core system.  It 
> currently includes:
> * an API for working with RDF
> * Parsers and writers for the RDF formats (RDF/XML, Turtle, N-triples, 
> NQuads, TriG)
> * an implementation of SPARQL, the W3C standard RDF query language
> * multiple storage systems for RDF data including in-memory, file-backed, in 
> SQL databases and in custom scalable storage systems
> * an API for manipulation of OWL
> * a rule-based inference engine
> * an implementation of GRDDL for extraction of RDF from XML formats
> * a standards compliant IRI library.
> The project includes facilities based around this core to encourage the  
> creation of components and contributions both as part of Jena and also  as 
> companion open source activities.
> This proposal includes the main components of Jena: the main Jena download, 
> ARQ, GRDDL, SDB, TDB, the IRI  library and Joseki.  Other components may be 
> contributed later - we're  just starting with the main part of Jena for now.
> == Background ==
> The W3C recommendations provide detailed specifications and it is important 
> to follow these standards so that independently built applications can 
> exchange data over the web.  Jena provides high quality  Java implementations 
> of RDF input/output and storage so that application  writers can concentrate 
> on the application, not the low-level details.
> W3C Semantic Web: http://www.w3.org/standards/semanticweb/
> Jena has been on !SourceForge since 2001. 
> http://sourceforge.net/projects/jena/
> == Rationale ==
> The open source project was originally created as part of a research activity 
> in HPLabs.  In building new systems, the researchers identified  the value of 
> a common platform that dealt with the low level details of  the standards.  
> This lead to engagement with the standards process and  the creation of a 
> framework that provided a library to deal with the  details of semantic web 
> standards.  This work was released as Jena. The  developers have contributed 
> implementation experience back to the working groups.
> None of the contributors now work for HP.  Providing a uniform contributor 
> and licensing framework assists commercial use of Jena.
> == Current Status ==
> Jena is already an established project with a large user base in industry and 
> academia.  It currently uses a BSD-style three-clause license with a number 
> of contributing copyright holders. Support is primarily provided via the 
> jena-...@groups.yahoo.com mailing list. The majority of the team was employed 
> in HPLabs, and HP holds the majority of the copyright over the code - there 
> are contributions from non-HP companies.  HP decided to close the research 
> group as of October 2009 and the people from HPLabs connected with the 
> project have moved on to several different semantic web companies.
> This change does not immediately affect Jena because the people who were  in 
> HP still remain active contributors to Jena.  The project continues to be 
> supported and actively enhanced.  There is now the  opportunity to become an 
> open source project without a single large  organisation involved.
> === Meritocracy ===
> The Jena team has always been self-determining; there has not been a project 
> manager in charge of the effort.  Instead, it has grown through  individuals 
> contributing to the codebase as part of their research activities.  The team 
> has organised itself to create the framework for builds, releases and public 
> support, and people who had worked on Jena in HP, and moved to other 
> companies and institutions, have continued to  contribute.
> === Core developers ===
> Jena originated within a research activity in HPLabs, starting around 2000. 
> Contributors to jena have been active in W3C working groups including 
> chairing the "RDF Core" working group and acting as document editors on 
> several other working groups.  W3C processes are public; jena contributors 
> have been involved in public debate and decision making. People have since 
> moved on from HP to several semantic web forced companies and to university 
> positions.
> === Alignment ===
> Jena is already in use in many commercial systems as well as widely used  in 
> academic research and teaching.  We want to continue making this easy  and at 
> the same time encourage contribution in a well-known environment.
> Jena is already pretty much run in a collaborative open development style 
> with communication on mailing lists.
> == Known Risks ==
> === Orphaned products & Reliance on Salaried Developers ===
> Jena is in use by companies we work for so the companies have an interest in 
> its continued vitality.
> The Jena team members are not employed to work on Jena specifically; while 
> there is some development as part of their day-jobs, the team members do also 
> contribute personal time as well.
> === Inexperience with Open Source ===
> While Jena has been open-source since 2001, the majority of individuals  
> involved do not have wide experience of contributing to other open source 
> projects, so the team members need to develop more skills in participating in 
> open-source communities.
> === Relationships with Other Apache Products ===
> Jena uses Xerces, Lucene, Apache Commons HttpClient and Apache Commons 
> FileUpload.
> Jena is used by Clerezza (in incubation).
> === A Excessive Fascination with the Apache Brand ===
> Jena has an established community of users and is used in both academic  and 
> commercial settings.  The Apache environment offers Jena the opportunity to 
> expand the ways that more people can be involved and contribute, and hence to 
> ensure the project is not dependent on the current members.  We hope that 
> association with Apache will also encourage other open source projects that 
> use Jena to help develop a healthy and vibrant semantic web open source 
> ecosystem.
> Apache offers us a clear licensing framework and support infrastructure which 
> would reassure the many users of Jena who exploit it in commercial 
> environments as well as those in other open source projects.
> == Documentation ==
> Overview documentation, tutorials, topic-based how-tos and detailed !JavaDoc 
> can be found at http://openjena.org/
> == Initial Source ==
> The majority of the current codebase resides in the Jena project CVS/SVN  on 
> !SourceForge.  Joseki is also on !SourceForge; we later decided to put all  
> projects under one SF project so this is a historical anomaly. The modules in 
> the initial source are:
> * [[http://jena.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/jena/|Jena CVS area on 
> SourceForge]]
>  * jena2 (the core system, include RDF, rules and OWL subsystems)
>  * iri (the IRI library)
>  * Eyeball and !EyeballAcceptance (a checker for RDF)
> * [[http://jena.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/jena/|Jena SVN area on 
> SourceForge]]
>  * ARQ (SPARQL query and update engine)
>  * Fuseki (SPARQL server)
>  * grddl (GRDDL implementation for Jena)
>  * SDB (SQL database layer for Jena)
>  * TDB (customer storage layer for Jena)
>  * Ymris (experimental rules engine)
>  * Experimental/Jena3 (experiment reorganisation of jena)
> * [[http://joseki.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/joseki/Joseki3/|Joseki CVS area 
> on SourceForge]]
>  * Joseki3 module.
> == Source and Intellectual Property Submission Plan ==
> We are in discussions with HP, the largest copyright holder, about licensing 
> to Apache and currently HP has indicated that it is willing to  do so in 
> principle.
> The initial committers overtake to resolve all IP and copyright issues that 
> concern the dependencies of the initial source and of any contributions in 
> accordance with Apache requirements for graduating from incubator status.
> All contributions to the Jena codebase are under BSD-style license.  The 
> majority of copyright is held by HP. Some copyright is held by others, as 
> noted in the codebase. This includes contributions from the initial 
> committers below and any other contributions.
> == External Dependencies ==
> Details of license of components used by Jena are available at: 
> http://openjena.org/Licenses/index.html
> The Jena GRDDL Reader has some additional dependencies: 
> http://jena.sourceforge.net/grddl/license.html
> We are heavily dependent on Xerces for both parsing and also for XML datatype 
> support.
> == Cryptography ==
> No specific cryptography.
> == Required Resources ==
> Mailing lists
> * jena-private (with moderated subscriptions)
> * jena-dev
> * jena-commits
> * jena-user
> Subversion Directory
> * jena
> Issue Tracking
> * JIRA
> Other Resources
> * Hudson
> == Initial Committers ==
> The intial committers are the currently active developers for Jena.
> * Chris Dollin
> * Paolo Castagna
> * Damian Steer
> * Jeremy Carroll
> * Ian Dickinson
> * Dave Reynolds
> * Andy Seaborne
> == Affiliations ==
> * Epimorphics Ltd: Dave Reynolds, Ian Dickinson, Chris Dollin, Andy Seaborne
> * Talis Systems Ltd: Paolo Castagna
> * University of Bristol: Damian Steer
> * TopQuadrant Inc: Jeremy Carroll
> == Sponsors ==
> === Champion ===
> Ross Gardler (rgardler .at. apache.org
> === Nominated Mentors ===
> * Bertrand Delacretaz (bdelacretaz .at. apache.org)
> * Leo Simons  (leosimons .at. apache.org)
> * Dave Johnson (snoopdave .at. gmail.com)
> * Benson Margulies (bimargulies .at. gmail.com)
> === Sponsoring Entity ===
> Incubator PMC
> -- 
> rgard...@apache.org
> @rgardler
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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